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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. I rode a weird sounding RTS today. I been on DD50 RTS more times than I can remember and I never been on one that sounded like this one. EDIT: here's a small sound clip of the bus
  2. The Frankin Shuttle is being replaced by a shuttle bus due to trackwork... odd time to shut the line down for trackwork.. Can't copy/paste the service change cause I'm on mobile.
  3. Emergency RFP, I don't think the MTA Bus MCI's are in that bad of shape, just this random MCI broke down... it happens. I seen photos posted on here of a Prevost broke down with liquid leaking out of it, and those aren't even close to retirement age.
  4. I rode a JG and a SC C40 back to back and both buses sounded completely different despite having the same powertrain. The C40LF is my favorite LF bus (The old DD50 powered ones JG had made me fall in love with that model) I've been sleeping on these new C40s, I gotta ride them more often.
  5. Horrible situation on the line tonight, was riding a 32 when a homeless man opened to storm door and threatened to kill himself, even climbing up on the anticlimbers/little gates that prevent people from falling on the tracks... while the train was in motion. He was ranting holding the door open while up on the anticlimbers. It was so nerve racking, I really was hoping this man was NOT doing to die a violent death right in front of me by getting ran over by the train. Luckily, he climbed back inside the train and started asking for change, he had mental illness, he went to the next car and did NOT try the same stunt, so made me think he was serious about killing himself.
  6. Haha I'm kinda torn.. in a way I want the 32s to stay on the . But also in a way I hope the next 8 car set of 179s to enter service also goes to the . Would be nice to see a couple of 8 car sets in service on the , even if it's temporary. Exciting times in the Subway right now😄
  7. Tonight I finally rode a train that announced the transfer to the B82 SBS at Rockway Parkway. Also got to ride the 179 train, went out of my way to look for it, anyway riders noticed it was a brand new train even though the very similar looking 160s have been running on the line for a few years now.
  8. Your best bet is to just wait at Chambers Street, its an Island platform and its in the middle of the line..
  9. I can't wait until the starts running 179s, another line I'm eager to see tech trains on. Since both 5 car sets are now back in NYC hopefully that happens soon.
  10. Wow, what a week so far. First the line gets a brand new train and MJQ finally gets new 40FT buses fresh from the factory. In recent years whenever Quill got a brand new 40FT bus they usually ran only on the M42/50, now ALL of the 40FT routes at Quill will get new factory fresh equipment😄
  11. Even though this is likely temporary, the line finally got a new train fresh out of the factory!
  12. If seniors get the rush hour discount, disabled people would too as they use the same type of Metrocard.
  13. As was already mentioned, it was a surbuban bus. The MTA didn't get MCI buses for express routes until 1998. Some of the Queens PBL ran hard seat buses on express routes, in the video there's a Queens Surface TMC RTS working one of the QM routes. There was a photo online somewhere of a GMC RTS on the QM21.
  14. Found this video on YouTube of MTA Bus action from 1996!!! Lots of RTS with 6v92 engines, 90 TMCs before the re Power and brand new 96 RTSs with sliver rims. Also a Surbuban Orion V on the X1 Also a lot of PBL action, MCI Classics on express runs, Green Lines PBL, etc. Videos like this made me wish time machines were a real thing😓
  15. That's the TTMG roster I was talking about the Google bus roster https://sites.google.com/site/mtanewyorkcitybusroster/new-york-city-bus-roster/laguardia-depot-mta-bus I did not know the TTMG roster updated today so I stopped using until it got updated.
  16. Are the three remaining 96 RTS at LGA retired? Their not listed anymore on the Google bus roster and I didn't see none of the three buses in the lots at LGA depot today..
  17. Was up in the BX today and man, the Orion CNG and D60HF fleets have really shrunk 😓 I remember back in the day I used to be so annoyed by those WF VII CNGs cause that's all WF ran on the weekends where's all the RTS and O-V they had sat in the depot. Now, when I ride a WF route I hope to get a Orion CNG over the New Flyers. DD50 is my favorite engine and three remaining fleets that use that engine are shrinking fast... I'm gonna try to ride a RTS, D60HF and Orion CNG in the same day as my own personal "farewell to the DD50" fantrip, I've been on all three of those bus models this week but not in the same day😃
  18. They worked on the R142A and R143 at the same time and it worked out.
  19. I rode a JFK XD60 today and the rear panel inside the bus was loose. Haha just like it's ancestor the D60HF with the flappy windows in the rear of the bus. All it was missing was the screeching fanbelt😃
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