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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. Those 160s are awesome on the Crosstown line, flew down the line like a bat out of hell! There was a cuomo 160 on the which I didn't really care about. However there was a 46 train which had me quite giddy😄 I rode 46 trains daily in middle school so that was a nice blast from the past.
  2. I noticed the storm door is MUCH bigger in the car in video vs the Hudson Yards mockup. Also the R142 mockup looked different from the final product.
  3. If that is indeed the 211s, look like they did away with having the big ass digital rollsign in the front and gave it the 142/A front instead, with three windows in in the front. Also, the very bottom of the car on top of the bumper is the exact same as the 143/160, great find!
  4. IMO, anything older than the Redbirds and R32-R42 in the museum fleet would be good for the Holiday train. The R10 and 16s still look old school so photographers and models could still do time period photo shoots, etc.
  5. Not sure what sub forum to put this in, but the LIRR will be cross honoring between Jamaica and Atlantic Terminal during the duration of that "No between 121 and Parsons G.O" so basically if you have a Metrocard, free rides on that portion of the LIRR! 😄 I ridden that stretch of tracks a whole bunch of time but will ride it for free just for the hell of it.
  6. Come on mayne you really taking a post from a kid railfanner on YouTube as a credible source!?😆
  7. I those MCI transfers were the DD60 powered units, love to ride those on the QM16/17.
  8. I wonder if this is an Fishbowl blitz, reman GMC RTS type of situation.
  9. Why would they do such a swap in the IRT?
  10. The news did a story about the weekday G.O, as well as the upcoming weeknight and weekend G.O, yet no mention of the 24/7 G.O smh. The G.O IMO is a bigger deal than weeknight and weekend service changes on the (7). Espically considering that it will be going on while the kids go back to school and everyone goes back to work.
  11. Tonight I rode a that went express to Church Ave... even though an right in front (Which the express caught up to at 4th - 9st) of it went local. Most likely the reason the second went express? The damn garbage train was making its rounds on the local track and the express passed it between Caroll Street and Smith - 9th street, IDK why the Garbage train doesn't pickup during the overnight hours, if they have to pick up during the day, at least do it middays. It was R127/134 on both ends, random but I just found out the other day those cars were delivered in the mid 90s, didn't realize they were so new. I know Kawasaki used leftover shells from the 62 order to build them, I didn't know the 127/134s are roughly a decade newer than the 62s. Their also the last SMEE's the TA ever ordered, I wonder if the TA will save one for the museum when the time comes, even though their not passenger cars. The real Money Train and the one from the movie are both apart of the TM fleet btw.
  12. Wouldn't MJO being MaBstoa and SI being NYCT cause an issue? Also, aren't the unions different?
  13. For what it's worth their was two sets of 42s in service on the today..
  14. Septa is a turd of a transit agency, none of the MTA entities should copy Septa in any shape or form. Most stations don't even have TVM in 2018 and a good portion of their stations on the trenton line is literary a slab of concrete and a shack.
  15. IDK what's the cause but I'm super happy to hear this😁 love those 46 trains😄 love those 160 trains too😃 In a perfect world the and would have a mix of 46s and 160s like it did during the Montague tube shutdown. Wish 68s/68A were more common on the than that one trip late in the PM Rush thing they got going on but what you can do lol
  16. I liked 32s on the and enjoyed riding them on that line, but I'm happy they finally all got pushed out of ENY. Only because that means the 42s are next to get pushed out and I'm curious as to where they end up, Rock Park rush hour specials would be the perfect place for them. I'd love for them to go to the or but contractors just had to screw up the Montague tunnels measurements...
  17. lol it was the same situation for both pairs of routes, the was mostly 32s (with some 38s) with some sets on the , the was entirely 32s with some sets on the Post GOH, 75 footers always dominated the and lines, with some with 60FT SMEEs added on, of course 160s now dominate the
  18. There was at least five sets of R46s on the line today😄 nice to so many 46s sets out and about on the on a weekend😁
  19. Funny, this little discussion reminds of the early 2000s when it was common to have weekend "No trains running" G.O with the scraping the wall from Euclid to 168th. I always wondered what exactly was being repaired during those G.Os...
  20. I wouldn't go that far, I'd say the non RTS bus models in the fleet are pretty reliable right now. I'm not sure about the XE40 and Proterra though.
  21. Their the GOAT bus. I know all of this, I've been fanning for a long time lol. The last sentence in my previous post was sort of a joke. I also live next to the B6 so I see their buses all the time even when I'm not fanning.
  22. Nobody posted this, but for this whole month, LIRR has been running two Dual Mode trips in each direction from Port Jefferson to NYP on weekends. I hope these runs are a success as I wanted at least one of the LIRR diesel branches to have direct service into NYP 7 days a week, just like how Metro North does it with the upper Hudson line having daily service into Grand Central. The runs are: 8:44AM and 10:13AM from Port Jeff. From NYP: 2:55PM and 4:25PM
  23. Those Cuomo wrapped XD40s practically took over the B6, there all over that route like a roach infestation damn. At this rate I'd be surprised if a ride an RTS on the B6 ever again lol.
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