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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. I miss those 142A trains😓 Never thought I'd say that considering I perfer SMEE over the New Tech cars. I wish they would have kept the 6 sets leftover on the rather than send them to the , oh well.
  2. Today on the line I seen an R32 car that had "To" in the roll sign like the Redbirds did😄
  3. I don't think BK is short on buses, they would just keep the old RTS in service in the meantime until the XD40s come back to retire them.
  4. Their was a discussion a while back about weather the SC and FR MCI are still stored at Tusk.. They are, just seen SC & FR MCIs deadheading down 2nd Ave in the Upper East Side around 72nd street.
  5. I rode 6502 today, bus sounds a little tired, but it got me from Point A to Point B in a efficient manner so I can't complain. I was happy I got that bus as I wanted to catch 6498-6500 and 6502 ever since they came to ENY.
  6. There's an Siemens 160 from CI in service on the right now.
  7. Now that Cuomo prevented a fulltime shutdown, hopefully the TA tells Bombardier to start building some 5 car 179 sets instead of waiting until all the 4 car sets are finished. This probably won't happen, but I'd love for 3010-3019 to start out their revenue service life's on the Rock Park rush hour specials. One trip uptown, lay up at 207th all day then go back to Rock Park in the PM Rush. Nice and easy workload to see if their fit for passenger service. If they do these runs problem free then put an on the regular . Also it would be super easy to find😁
  8. Babylon and Far Rock trains trains take different routes between Rosedale and Jamaica. Also a late Long Beach or West Hempstead local train could be right in front of your Far Rock express train.
  9. I rode the from Parsons to Broadway Junction in the middle of the PM Rush tonight and I saw no 179s in service, a whole bunch of 160s/143s and 42s but no 179s. Perhaps a whole bunch of them are getting warranty work in the shop or something.
  10. Rockaway Parkway between Flatlands and the station is basically a busway today due to NYPD closing the street cause the Firefighter that died worked out of the firehouse down the block. B60 however is detoured yet the TA website says "Good Service" SMH.
  11. I'm gonna miss the B60 running out of Grand Ave, it was the only GA route in my area. Love the fact that Grand had those oddball buses like the small batch of RTS, the XDE40s and the Proterras. I guess FP running the 60 will make it easier to ride the 64/6500 hybrids FP has... since I would imagine with the L shuttle cancelled these buses will be scrapped sooner rather than later.
  12. It would be cool if our subway shuttle buses were signed up like this😁
  13. Speaking of annoying sounding buses, the Orion 7 CNG HAVC sound was annoying as hell. I love the engine sounds on those buses but I will not miss their HAVC noise.
  14. The museum roster is missing Command CNG RTS 4904 which is at GA according to the TTMG roster.
  15. I hope 62A and 62 trains make an appearance tomorrow 😄 Complete washout weather wise tomorrow, perfect day to spend underground until the playoff Football games come on.
  16. I remember when KB first got the NGs the driver told a W/C rider the ramp wasn't working. Seriously doubt the W/C ramp was broke on a damn near new bus at the time...
  17. Yankees, yea, but the Mets? Ehh IDK because of CBTC being on the line. One theory I read on YouTube is they could isolate the middle track and run the TOMC back and forth between Willis Point and 33rd Rawson, but IDK if that's even possible. Maybe one of the signal nerds can chime in lol
  18. I never knew the 42s rollsigns had "121st, Queens" as a reading. Learn something new everyday.
  19. I'm pretty sure people were skeptical back in the day when the 142 and 143 were new and almost 20 years later the cars are running fine without any major issues. From what I heard, only major flaw NTT have that SMEE don't is NTT don't brake as well in the rain & snow.
  20. Right now, there's not ONE RTS in service on the B6 right now, wow.
  21. The good thing about the 42s possibly going to CI is they will change the windows and clean them up cosmetically. CI yard 160s are the cleanest out of all the yards that have those cars. I ride the regularly and never had any issues with the 42 in recent years. They aren't really that bad for 49 year old cars.
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