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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. You have quite the imagination lol. Reminds me of rumor that the R32s were going to Nigeria..
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if FLA rather than Quill ends up getting those XE60s considering that article about certain BK neighborhoods having "dirty" buses.
  3. NYC D60s? I don't think so.. I love the D60s however..... they must be beat to hell and they have roaches in the rear around the engine area, would seem like a headache to keep one as a private owner. I'm just guessing though, if anyone could elaborate on the topic it would be greatly appreciated..
  4. There was a D60 in the museum fleet for a few years, it eventually got scrapped. They saved 8971 for the museum which is very similar to the mid 90s PBL TMCs and 5249 but they don't save an D60. I remember reading on here the museum wasn't interested in saving one.
  5. Some dude bought a bunch of plants on the train...
  6. I wonder if the LI Bus fishbowl has a private owner, I can't see NICE Bus caring about having a museum bus and would most likely scrap or sell it.
  7. Nah, it's common for drivers to do this this time of year and in the fall. Also, this was an brand new XD40 out of Quill so it's highly unlikely the havc wasn't working.
  8. I love days like today when the bus driver has the side windows open and the vents popped up.. no annoying havc noise and a nice breeze blows though the bus.
  9. I miss the R44's, they had so much more pop (acceleration wise) than the 46s do. The 44s A/C was better as well. 44s were such an underrated subway car. I like the 46s cars but they would be so much better if the field shunting got put back in em. That last summer the line had 44s I remember riding them from Midtown to Nostrand Ave and man it was such an pleasant ride, good A/C, fast, etc.
  10. The other five car sets are so close to being delivered one might as well wait until the has 4 -5 sets of 179s in service to ride one. Just enjoy the 32s on the while they are still there as they could get pushed out.
  11. This was the first RTS to get orange signs, I remember catching it when it was the only unit with orange signs and still at Flatbush..
  12. There's nothing to expose about the green sign hybrids, their hybrids so most outsiders think they are good for the environment.
  13. Why is it when those 5200s left Quill they got scrapped shortly thereafter? I noticed that when they last got transferred from Quill to Flatbush and Jamaica they didn't last long at those depots. I'm not surprised 5209 is one of the first to leave FLA in this round of retirements. Are the mileage on those 5200 RTS much higher than the other 99 RTS or something?
  14. Its not useless garbage, the past couple of O/T posts in this thread are very informative... with that being said, it is annoying that this thread keeps going off topic.
  15. 4987 still around as a swing bus, it's parked at Rockaway Parkway...
  16. Was on a OG Hybrid today that suddenly couldn't move, bus was going really slow until it came to a stop. bus would move a couple of inches but it really couldn't get going, driver shut the bus off, restarted and the bus was fine after that. Wonder what the issue was. A while back I was on a bus which was also an OG Hybrid, driver couldn't move the bus cause of something to do with compression, IIRC it was low and had to build up again. Eventually the bus got moving again.
  17. According to the scrap thread today is the last day for the D60s. Those are my top three buses as well. When I started fanning in the mid to late 2000s those buses had a heavy presence in the city, DD50 was the dominant engine of the local fleet, good ol days.
  18. Wow. End of an era. I remember when the ONLY artics in NYC was the D60HF, now their all removed from service.
  19. Does anybody know if these things been in Penn Station yet? I only ask cause Amtrak wouldn't allow NJT to run their ALP45's DM into Penn until it was proven reliable IIRC.
  20. My goodness there's a lot of shuttle bus G.O's in BK this weekend, , and the all have shuttle buses replacing portions of their routes. Well, on the bright side at least this will force BK depots to run some of their RTSs, as we seen on New Years Day, when there isn't shuttle bus G.O's BK has enough buses to make service without using the RTS's in masses on weekends. Tomorrow the weather will be too nice to sit inside a bus all day, maybe Sunday I'll RTS hunt..
  21. Most likely a loan, IDK how LGA is short, I thought LGA had an surplus of buses due to FP hybrids going to LGA.
  22. 4986 a swing bus now, seen it at Rockaway Parkway on swing duty with no farebox.
  23. KB was the first depot to operate D60HF, and it way its looking, they will be the last depot to operate the D60HF. That's pretty cool.
  24. This morning while watching "Good Day NY" They had a camera in Willamsburg and the Proterra drove by, there was also two SBS wrapped XD40s on the B44 SBS. This was at 7:30AM.
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