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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. The BM2 is way too long and slow to be a decent alternative to the line even with the construction, taking the to Broadway Junction and transfer to the there gets you to the city much quicker than the BM2 does. The BM's are a good alternative to the and even train (If you live near Newkirk or Brooklyn College) when those lines are out but the BM2 is not an good alternative to the train, the route is just too damn long and the line service area is near the beginning/end of the BM2. Buses not being able to use the Belt really hurts things as maybe if they did, there MIGHT be an market for super express to Canarsie if an bus went express non stop from the city via the BQE & Belt to the Rockaway Parkway exit, that could be time competitive with the subway...
  2. I was browsing Collect Corner.net and saw an fictional toy subway car there and thought it would be the perfect design for the R262s....
  3. A pro R46 article from an commuter (Whose not a railfan BTW): http://gothamist.com/2019/04/23/subway_car_design_1970s.php?utm_source=WNYC+%2B+Gothamist&utm_campaign=f93355dd08-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_65dbec786b-f93355dd08-85979585&mc_cid=f93355dd08&mc_eid=95a8cf241c
  4. Can't use 42s on the Rock Park shuttle cause they don't have full width cabs for OPTO.
  5. I hope I'm able to get to ride RTS on the B41 one last time. Been riding RTS on the B41 my whole life, just want to ride one on the 41 one last time. I got my last RTS B6 ride on 5092, didn't even look at my phone while riding it I just soaked in the experience of riding an RTS on the B6 for the final time. Probably rode RTS on the B6 and B41 more times than any other route.
  6. 7326 out of FLA has Wi Fi and I assume the other blue and white XD40s has Wi Fi as well. Ignoring LBSS, paint schemes and all that other stuff the other XD40s have the same comforts the ones on the SBS 46 do minus the USB ports... Which I would imagine these buses would eventually get refitted with. Much older express buses got refitted with USB ports.
  7. I'm not looking forward to this at all even though I live at the Canarsie end of the line and have plenty of options. Gonna miss my 4 minute headways on weekends The shuttle train idea is stupid, the shouldn't run to Manthattan PERIOD on weekends. I'm gonna try out that Willamsburg Link bus, it might be clutch if it isn't packed, line is chill when it doesn't go to Manhattan but goes all the way to Lormier. Many times I transfer to the , or lines at Broadway Junction even when the is running normally, only because I'm a fanner and like taking different routes haha, so other than the longer headways, it won't be THAT much of an inconvenience for me.
  8. The Jamaica 160s are getting ads on the side of the car similar to what buses have...
  9. WTF. This station is an Island platform yet is closed in one direction ...
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if 207th keeps 3070 - 3073... so they have an spare 4 car set. If not, out of 11 trainsets I would imagine only 8 or 9 sets would be in service on the at most with the other cars as spares or getting inspected in the shop.
  11. Manhattanville has the longest drought out of all the NYCT depots in terms of getting new buses, I believe the last buses they got factory fresh was the OLD GEN hybrids... that was in the mid 2000s. I believe they got some of the Designline buses factory fresh but that was an experimental fleet which didn't work so those don't count... I don't think FLA riders will have an issue with more hybrids appearing on there routes as long as the buses are clean and the HAVC works, cool in the summer and toasty in the winter. Plus they still look modern and say Hybrid on the roof so riders might think they are fairly new buses lol
  12. Those SBS routes ruined the balance at depots like FLA and GH (The artic routes at GH), at those depots the SBS routes get the newest buses with Wi Fi, USB chargers, etc, while the local routes are stuck with older buses. If the TA still considers fleet age balance when making assignments then that explains why FLA ain't get any new buses for their local routes as the fleet age would be too young.
  13. Quill hasn't gotten any more buses to replace the remaining RTS there, so far only one hybrid from KB came to Quill.
  14. Man the TA should assign a small batch of Hybrids to Spring Creek instead keep having to loan them buses, give them like 5 or 6 2005 Orions and call it a day.
  15. On the MTA mobile site it still doesn't show the NH line runs when you look up GCT - Fordam, sigh...
  16. One improvement the 179s have over previous NTT car classes no one talks about is the HAVC is MUCH quieter, the HAVC on the older NTT car classes can be deafening.
  17. One time they had this G.O they was cross honoring with the Q24 bus, guess not this time.
  18. Rode one of the new Cuomo wrapped LFS 40 FT buses today, they backfire a lot like an CNG bus which is cool lol. Its crazy how in the interior of the bus the 40FT LFS is much quieter than the LSFA.
  19. With the Phoenix being converted to a Metrocard bus I wonder if the Mobile Command Center RTS will get the same treatment. I would imagine in 2019 there's no longer a need for a Mobile Command Center bus...?
  20. I wouldn't mind that bus being saved for the museum but I'm not sure how the interior looks. According to Google the interior got converted into an office, can't use that bus on vintage museum runs if that's the case.
  21. There's 2 sets of R42s in service right now....
  22. Hybrid 6800 is on the B1!!!!!! Probably a loaner but I hope someone photographs this. Also 6506 is on the B6..
  23. The CNG ones out of WF did. They like the warmth of the engine area plus ppl leaving garbage on the bus makes the perfect environment for them. There's nothing to be concerned about if you're a rider. It's just nasty when one comes out in the open from time to time.
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