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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. Aren't those 3800s hybrids the ones with the box batteries that for whatever reason the DOB didn't want running in the outer boroughs? Thought the Box battery NG's would stay in Manhattan until retirement, guess not.
  2. It wouldn't be surprised if those leftover 160s get sent to Jamaica anyway, just so they don't have to stock parts for three fleets at CI barn.... Just like they sent leftover 142A's on the to the line... still bummed about that particular swap lol.
  3. I remember in the early to mid 2000s from Thanksgiving to NYE the line would get shorter headways due to heavy travel of holiday season. The bonus as a railfan was the used R40 Slants & Mods due to the shortened headways. Today? runs on extended headways and via Montague tube. I wish they would bring back the days when their was no G.O's between Thanksgiving and NYE.
  4. Nice, the 68/68A returns to the Brighton local! The 68s were the first b div cars I rode somewhat regularly since I lived near an Brighton local stop growing up. 68 trains and later on 68 trains. Nice to see the hippos will be back on the
  5. https://openbve-project.net/ Download OpenBVE then go to BVEStation.com which has some NYC Subway routes and trains. Youtube has a ton of videos of routes & trains for NY Subway
  6. I wonder when this order gets going will these buses be driven from the plant to the JFK Airport Vendor or somewhere else? The current day MTA C40's and the Nova's were picked up in Jersey and driven to NYC, so a transit agency going to another state to pick up their buses from the Vendor isn't that far fetched. Just wondering....
  7. The concourse express is slow N/B cause it's going uphill and uses 68s which makes things worse. From what I heard, the Concourse express is fast S/B.
  8. 46s make sense on the IMO because it's northern terminal changes thought the day so the crews won't have to worry about changing rollsigns. TBH all the 68s should be on the and lines since those lines don't change terminals nor swap with other lines like the does at Astoria.
  9. A Cuomo 160 was on the today as well. There was an 46 set on the line, IDK the numbers though.
  10. What type of bus model is 117, is that one of the D60s that got renumbered?
  11. That sucks. Granted the vintage bus runs aren't as organized as the subway runs are (they seem to run the buses at random, no timetables, etc). But it was better than nothing. They ran the buses in the cold, in holiday traffic in years past so I don't see why that would be an issue this year. I've heard the vintage bus fleet doesn't get as much love as the subway fleet does. Nearly all of the vintage subway fleet is operational where's for the vintage bus they seem to only use the same buses for every event (the local fishbowls, the PBL TMCs). I heard Mack 6257 can't run cause it needs work, the Orion 6 needs parts, etc. I wonder if they use the same museum buses for events cause the ones we haven't seen in a while need work or parts.
  12. Did the C40 trip today, an XN40 showing up on the B11 almost ruined my plans as it was cold as hell and wasn't gonna stand around waiting for a C40 to show, so I took it to CI Ave in hopes I get an C40 on the B68. I'm glad I did that as I had nice ride on the XN40 on the B11. Those buses are pretty fast, LBSS or whatever didn't ruin the XN40. I was lucky to get an C40 on the B68 so I rode that, caught the subway to the BX. An XN40 was already there on the BX21 but I passed it up for obvious reasons. I saw an C40 on layover in the distance hoping it would be an BX32, IDK if it was but shorty after the XN40 21 left, the BX32 came which was an.... XN40. I said screw it and I would just take 32 to the BX11 hoping to get an C40 on that route. Got off for the BX11 transfer and saw an C40 was on the route GWB bound, but an XN40 came first + it was SRO so I passed it up. Eventually the C40 showed up on the BX11, decent ride but these two guys got on the bus with an 50 inch TV, second person I saw get on the bus today with an brand new TV, first was on the B103 earlier in the day lol. I rode the BX11 to the train, took that to Penn Station, took the LIRR to Jamaica to catch the Q25/34 since those two routes run like water and I wouldn't have to wait long, eventually got on the Q34 and rode for a bit... trip was successful. The MTA Bus C40s are much nicer in terms of cleanliness and such than the NYCT units, I like the C40s from all four depots that have them, just the SC and CP units are cleaner and lack ads on the side which is cool as I like my buses ad less. Glad I did this trip, I did just about everything I wanted to fan when I comes to NYC Buses, next trip is to ride an NYCT and MTA Bus express bus back to back. Most likely will be SIM1C to an BX express bus. Or the Bay Ridge express bus to an BXM express bus. Also ride a bus in from every BK div depot in one day, I came close to doing that over the summer but I got never to ride an GA bus since I was tired and the FP bus (Last leg of the trip) bus was the Q54 got stuck in traffic.
  13. They have cancelled the train due to snow in the past, NYC is expected to get 3-5 inches of snow.
  14. Ridership was pretty good today despite it being Thanksgiving. And I rode around the system long after the parade ended. A lot of SRO trains too, their was even a showtime dance crew on the train lol.
  15. For a while now I've been planning the ride my favorite LF Bus (The C40LF) out of every depot that has them in one day. Plan is B103 - B11, Subway to the BX (lunch in Manhattan) wait for the BX21 or 32, or to the to Queens Plaza for the Q66. Last time I did a trip like it was my "farewell to the RTS" fan trip" which failed on the final leg cause I couldn't find an MJQ RTS + I was tired as hell.
  16. NIMBY's in Wassic don't like the horn noise late at night.
  17. Well, I didn't find any R62 trains but I caught an 160 and 46 train with relative ease so the day wasn't a complete waste. Their was an couple of R142A trains but that wasn't foam worthy IMO cause they weren't traveling to Flatbush or on the WPR/Dyre line.
  18. With the going to New Lots + the being cutoff from it's home yard I hope an R62 appears tommorow! .... Along with an 62A borrowed from the line on the 96 - Flatbush portion of the line. Last time they had this G.O they had the Kawasaki 62s running on the but not 62As, was so disappointed when I saw the number plate when that SMEE train pulled in lol
  19. You can either have apply for one online (The form is on the MTA website reduce fare page https://new.mta.info/fares-and-tolls/subway-bus-and-staten-island-railway/reduced-fare-metrocard ) Or go to 3 Stone Street in Manhattan to apply for one. I think no matter which way you choose you have wait for them to mail you the Reduced fare metrocard, I could be wrong on that last part though. I would E - Mail the MTA just to make sure.
  20. Reminds me of when they had an single track midday G.O (24 minute headways) over the WillyB during the summer of 05...
  21. The Arrow 3 are still in service, mainly on the Gladstone Branch and NEC during rush hour.
  22. B & D are the slowest I would imagine because the 160s have an easier time climbing the bridge than the 68s do... 160s certainty accelerate faster on level track so 160s run up the bridge's incline better. Are the timers the same on both sides of the Bridge? That's one thing to consider as well.
  23. There's an 68A train in service today, always nice to see the 68s running on the on a weekend. However one of the cars is cut out so it's been kind of an disaster crowding wise.
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