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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. There's an R42 set layed up on the middle track at Flushing Ave if anybody wants to *photograph* an R42...
  2. I consider the 32s part of the TOMM, they probably don't use the two TM pairs on TOMM trips because the 32s still have a major presence in the system. I would imagine once the 32s are retired then the museum pairs will be added to the TOMM consist. Post GOH 32s are too bland to have an entire 8 car train worth of them IMO, especially considering you can't restore them to their pre GOH look. At least with the museum R33ML you can repaint the outside of the cars to different paint schemes.
  3. What funny is despite the fact that the Phase two R32s were the crappier of the two mechanically, both pairs in the TM fleet are Phase 2. When the rest of the 32s are finally retired, they should save an phase 1 pair as well. I wish I knew of the GE 32s existence when they was still an active fleet, especially now hearing that they kept some of their original components from pre GOH. Not sure about the IRT redbirds but from my understanding, most of the R32 - R42 fleets were completely gutted mechanically during GOH. From old timers I read that the cars sounded different pre GOH, described as having "darth vader brakes" and cool sounding compressors like in the video below... Only thing 50+ years old in the 32s and 42s are their bodies and maybe the trucks, mechanically they are about the same age as the R62/A and R68/A more or less.
  4. It's so annoying that the Rockaway Parkway station doesn't have an Token booth at the moment... Want to buy an Metrocard at that stop? Well you can't cause the stupid MVM's aren't working properly! Being that the MVM are out in the open and not in the station house there's no way I'd risk using my debit card at those machines. Arrrggh stupid MTA
  5. The MTA probably has plans to sell them. I believe the TA sold Redbird and rollsigns from retired R32 - 42 fleets in the past.
  6. Nah, a R42 didn't run on the recently... the briefly used 8 car 42s in the late 2000s but it was short lived and they put the 32s back on the line, something to do with the C/R position IIRC The 42s also ran on the shorty after superstorm Sandy for some reason. I am JUST NOW finding out about 42s on the in 2012, I googled "R42 C train" and these videos popped up of 42s running on the C in 2012, WTF!?!
  7. The most interesting thing about the garbage train 32s returning to service is it might have 10+ year old ads in it. One of the best things about riding the museum trains is seeing the ads from the time period they ran, always was cool seeing early 2000s ads on the museum redbirds. I would imagine the ones in the museum R1-9's are replica ads..?
  8. Wow! I wake up to this effery!!! The 42s are back, 160s are back on the this is pretty exciting!
  9. Their was a lot of R46 trains today.. nice to see them still have an major presence on the line... For now. Got an 32 both ways and coming home an express came in at Utica which was a 32 set! Nice afternoon riding the older cars.
  10. From what I noticed, sometimes the same 32 set on the would run on both the Lefferts and Far Rock branch on the same day. They'd have a MTA employee walk though the train to change the rollsigns.
  11. Where else are they gonna run? If and riders can deal with R46s then so can Broadway riders. Lex local riders got a down grade with the 62As, a car with smaller doors AND a crappier HAVC system and they deal with it. Broadway riders can handle 75 footers on their lines until the 211s come in service.
  12. How can you love a train you have yet to ride lol The 211s will have wider doors than the current B div NTT and thus less seating space and less of a chance of getting a seat. I wish they would have kept the doors the same size as the 143/160/179, hopefully the regular 211 sets have those corner seats near the ends of the cars as well. Was never a fan of them being removed on the Cuomo 160s.
  13. I been on 32 trains with broken A/C this past summer, also been on two 32 that had to be taken OOS due to door problems. If they are having trouble on the I doubt they would be doing any better on the , they are maintained by the same yard! I hope they aren't transferred back to ENY, the only yard the 32s should be transferred to is the scrap yard. I'm glad they stayed an extra 10 years and the stint on the was a nice bonus but all good things must come to an end. I follow transit just like everyone on here but did I miss some kind of major service increase the MTA is planning to justify keeping the R32s around until the 211s come...? I mean the original plan of the shutdown got cancelled..
  14. I doubt Byford cares about some old subway car having a special final run.
  15. I really hope FLA sends out a bunch of NGs that are not apart of the 4580 - 4629 batch and keep most of their Cuomo XD40s for local service..
  16. It's crazy that that the TA's refusal to use 46s on the is basically keeping the 32s alive.. if they were willing to use the 46s on the they can kill off the 32 fleet, especially if Pikin got those 4 sets from JAM back. Wonder what costs the TA more, using an extra switchman at Eucild & 168th or keeping an beat up 55+ year old fleet running, with low MDBF and chronic A/C problems during the summer. The 46s MDBF is better than the 32s by landslide plus they don't have A/C issues during the summer. Times like this I wish Cuomo would stick his nose in MTA business just one more time..
  17. Haha, this is crazy about the 42s fate, like three times in recent days everyone thought the 42s was officially retired only for them to run again lol
  18. The station house at Rockaway Parkway will get an renovation, however the token booth won't be available while the station house is getting renovated. They will have an MetroCard Van parked at the station during select hours.
  19. The Bensonhurst bound B6 & B82 local have all door boarding at the new Rockaway Parkway bus terminal. No swiping on the local & limited buses just walk right on. ENY bound you still gotta swipe to transfer to the subway. Also SBS 82 riders still gotta get a ticket from the machine.
  20. http://www.subchat.com/read.asp?Id=1533730 That poster posted the final runs for all the car classes that got replaced by the 160s back then, so I'd say he's a credible source.
  21. A credible poster on another forum confirmed it: The R42s are officially retired! The PM Rush run on the Z on Friday was the last run.
  22. Only the Redbirds got a special send off by the MTA, with a front banner, news conference and all. R40 Slant last runs was found out though forums, the 40 Slants just ran on regular runs throughout the day, no banner at the front or media attention or anything like that. The 38s, 40M & 44s got retired without any fanfare. Also the Redbirds were iconic in NYC culture back then, the 42s aren't nearly as popular to justify a special sendoff IMO. Doubt 20 years from now the TM will have "reign of the R42s" exhibits like the Redbirds do now.
  23. I wouldn't bother with the RFW, now that is well known that the 42s are on borrowed time there's always gonna be railfans waiting at the front at Broad for that window. A railfanner I follow on YT called another fanner a "disturbed individual" cause he refused to share the railfan window. I would just ride in one any other car but the first car to avoid that nonsense. Besides that view is well documented on Youtube... I would just enjoy the experience of those cars. Riding an late 60s/early 70s train in 2019.
  24. The SBS 82 will now stop inside the new Rockaway Parkway bus terminal, the machines aren't up yet but the bus stop sign is. The 6 and the 82 will stop at the old 42 stop and the new 42 stop is across from the train yard. There's no fence seperating the 6/82 and 42 anymore..
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