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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. The koisks around the system are advertising this event, showing a photo montage of pre GOH R42s and one pic post GOH.
  2. I'm glad the final runs are on the line. Would be nice to ride the 42s on the once last time.
  3. There's at least two sets of R32s running on the right now... I didn't see any R46 trains.
  4. I'm assuming the 32s will be assigned to the Rock Park specials..? If not I have a feeling those 32s would be running off peak and weekends like they always have been. If they wanted to retire the 32s before the 211's arrive, they had no choice but to run R46s on the again.
  5. M100 short turn at 5th Ave & 125th street, seems pointless as if the bus travels that far might as go the whole route.. I seen an M42 short turn before as well.
  6. I remember reading that NYCT shops custom makes parts for the 32s, so their shouldn't be a need to resort to cannibalizing cars for the 32s. The 32s recently retired are probably poor performers and are probably a PITA to keep running. Fun fact, the R42 had a higher MDBF than the 32s did for Dec 2019... I think the fact that best running R42s were retired last where's almost the entire remaining 32 fleet was still running at the time has something to do with it.
  7. Today I rode an R62A train had the A/C ON in the middle of February... oh now the A/C wants to work in the middle of WINTER?!? The HAVC units on the 62A's are so garbage SMH, still rather ride 62A's than 142s and 262s or whatever.
  8. I was there, I didn't participate in the event just there as a lookie loo. Just seemed like your run of the mill protest, groups of people holding signs, yelling chants, whole bunch of cops, etc. Subways seemed to be unaffected, buses seemed to be delayed though, especially all the routes that travel on 42nd Street.
  9. I think nothing major will happen... saw on the news the planners of this covering up their faces and alter their voices so they couldn't be ID'd. They tagged up 72nd on CPW with graffiti and such.
  10. There's an R32 car with glitter all over the floor, the passengers reaction it to it is funny as hell.
  11. You're so dramatic lol. This board loves them some Andy Bryford, I knew posters here would take it hard that he quit LMAO. Yes he was great at his job, but damn🤣
  12. Maybe those 2002 MCIs still run good, maybe even better than some of the CAT13 powered MCI.
  13. I wonder why the production trains will come full YEAR after the pilot train is delivered.. So if the pilot train wraps up testing in a few months only one 211 set would be running in service for some time. It's funny the R143 was the first of it's kind and it only took about 2 months of non revenue testing before it entered service... While both the 160 and 179 took a year to complete non revenue testing.
  14. I wonder if the 179s will return to service in the masses at once, or will each set have to burn in test again then enter service again.
  15. If your local station is outdoors, you really waited 35 minutes in 8 degree wind-chill weather JUST to ride a 160? That is insanity guy, I hope your trolling lol.
  16. Cool, their going back to the mid 1960s line of thinking where both B div and IRT cars had the same design.
  17. I haven't seen an R32 train since the 179s were pulled from service. When the 179s were active, 32 trains were a lot more common.
  18. The R16 weren't well running cars and yet the lone running car is still used on museum trips.. The arines ran like crap towards the end of their service life but the museum arines run great on museum trips today. I think the TM can make the Phase II cars run great and work well with the other museum SMEE's. If there was an NYCTF in the 70s I would certainly be pro saving 10+ cars of R1-9s (which was done) those prewar cars have a certain charm to them that newer trains lack IMO. 32s aren't interesting enough to have an entire train worth of them being saved. I think three 32 pairs would suffice. If one want to give an 32 pair to those Trolley museums I would be OK with that (if their interested). 32s lost their color during GOH, lost their front rollsigns, lost their ceiling fans, etc.. an entire museum train of an stale grey train? Meh 32s in the TOMM consist, dope, 32s on their own? meh. Not have my mindset? You act like I said NONE of the 32s should be saved lol. I'm very pro saving Transit vehicles for museum fleets.
  19. Got one of those R46s with the LED lights borrowed from Jamaica on the just now, much nicer ride than the regular R46s assigned to Pikin. Wish all R46 got the LED light upgrade. Could be imagining this but that Jamaica set felt slightly faster than the Pikin 46s too.
  20. MTA was giving cars in the bus lane the Thanos snap.
  21. I'm pretty sure those artics on the M96 had something to do with the water main break on the upper west side knocking out subway service on the West Side IRT....
  22. I doubt they ran a two car train in service, 6 MU is the minimum allowed in service IIRC.
  23. I believe they been doing that, they use to store retired R32-R42 cars at Concourse for a while before finally being transferred to 207th for reefing. I think the same was done for the Redbirds as well.
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