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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. I saw at least two sets of 160s on the line today.
  2. NYCT employees gossip just like any other work place. Just because a T/O said it doesn't mean it's true. This is replying to that R68 replacing them bit.. Ethier that T/O is trolling you or he told you some random chatty patty nonsense..
  3. R32 MDBF should go up a bit assuming they retired the worst performing cars and the best running ones are the ones still in service. I like them but I want them to retire sooner rather later, if the 32s retire then the lowest MDBF cars would be the 46s at around 63,000 miles. That would be great milestone if the worst performing car is doing 63,000 miles which is pretty close to the much newer R68 MDBF.
  4. As a BK resident I'm glad they are all on SI, out of sight, out of mind. The OG/NG hybrids are much more comfortable to me.
  5. I pretty much like all the buses in the fleet, except for the 3G's on SI. The seating configuration in the rear of the bus is garbage for tall ppl, if all the seats in the last row are taken you're pretty much outta luck getting a comfortable seat on the HF section of the bus. If I had to choose a favorite bus, the C40LF. Honorable mention, the various MCI's we have, we have a lot of diversity with our MCI's. Some are DD powered, some CAT, some Cummins, etc.
  6. There's an R46 rn where the rollsign is set to the line on the northern end..
  7. Using what criteria? I thought it is the general consensus by railfans and train crews is that the R46 is the best 75FT car. R46 and R68 is about neck and neck MDBF wise. I like the 68/68A more than the 46s as a railfan (Grew up riding the Brighton Local) but as a commuter I prefer the 46s, cozy interior, quieter, etc.
  8. Riding trains out of Penn and Atlantic Terminal you have no choice but to activate while the train is still in the station, cause there's no phone service in the tunnels sadly. When I ride trains out of those terminals my ticket always get checked before the train goes outside. I got screwed once on NJT out of Penn cause I couldn't get service at track level, so I couldn't activate the ticket until the train got outdoors. It's funny as I get service at track level in Penn on the LIRR side.
  9. Just seen an R68 set, nice throwback!! Anyway, the set is signed up to 57th as I assume that set is lacking 96th/2nd Ave rollsigns. So cool seeing all these 75 footers on the Broadway line in the masses again!!!! All we are missing is the R40s and it would feel like the early to mid 2000s again haha
  10. It was coming from Far Rockaway going N/B. I didn't see any 46s on the
  11. There's an R32 on the today. I was riding an 32 train when the 32 passed it on the express track, so cool to see R32 and trains side by side.
  12. I don't mind if they all go into the local scheme, as I don't plan on photographing them, just riding them lol. As long as they come back to FLA after GA does their thing with them, I'm a happy camper.
  13. I was out and about along Flatbush Ave today and seen nothing but Cuomo wrapped XD40s on the B41! Always wanted to ride a 7600 on the B41 and it looks like finding one on the 41 will be like shooting fish in a barrel. Also have yet to ride a Artic on the B46 SBS SMH lol, looks a little busfan trip on the B41 & B46 is in order for me.
  14. I think y'all is overreacting about the lack of spares in regards to the R32 retirement lol. MTA management don't foresee these problems but random railfans on a message board do.. Y'all is coming up all kinds of crazy theories to keep the R32s in service lol. Looking that always sunny meme..
  15. Yeah, that part is slow. But when he said Astoria line I assumed he was talking about from Queensboro Plaza to Astoria-Ditmars.
  16. Haha Cuomo would be the GOAT foamer villain if he forces the 32s retirement, he changed the shutdown which many fanners were looking forward to which caused the RTS to be retired months earlier than planned. Caused foamer favorite Bryford to resignation and now pushed for the last of the RFW equipped cars to be retired. If the transit community was pro wrestling Cuomo would be the biggest heel LMAO
  17. The rollsigns are heavy and if the T/O scrolling through the signs stumbles upon the Diamond first, they'll just leave it that. Close enough lol, or so I heard..
  18. ? How are the Astoria and SAS slow? Those lines are mostly straight trackage with little to no timers. I take it you never ridden any of the BMT Broadway lines between Canal and DeKelb ... Now that's slow!
  19. The 46 I rode was the only one I saw on the
  20. There's an R46 at Stillwell rn about to head to 96th street in a few. Rode it from the city down here, so nice to ride R46s on the Brighton line!!!!
  21. Seen an R46 train in person for the first time a few minutes ago, nice. Never bothered to hunt that R46 that runs during the AM rush cause I'm not much of an morning person. Would have rode it but I didn't feel like it, gotta save some energy for the R42 tommorow.
  22. The thing its really petty and childish for a grown man to pass up multiple trains consisting of an car class you don't like to ride an NTT. Its fine to do that while railfanning but doing it during your commute is just silly. The average commuter wouldn't even think to do that. NOTHING is wrong with liking NTT over old equipment, I'm pretty sure the average rider prefers New Techs over SMEE cars but their not gonna pass up an train just because its consist of older cars.
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