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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. The R142A had issues while testing as well, I think the R143 is the only NTT car class that didn't have major issues when introduced AFAIK. The R110B wasn't meant to last long like the R62A & R142, also the 110B's lasted longer than the Kawasaki made 110A. The R62A's are good cars and are holding up well same goes for the R142s, bombardier was still good when they built those fleets. Kawasaki is a tad bit overrated by railfans, it kind of annoying lol. People really think the R142A is a superior product to the 142s built by Bombardier?
  2. In reply to the bolded, doesn't the line fleet run all day with NO put ins during the PM rush? I know one train lays up after the AM Rush, the others run all day and night until service ends for the day, or so I thought. @vioreen Queens Blvd is getting CBTC and thus the R160s that ran on the N, Q and W lines had to be transferred to Jamaica Yard in exchange for R46s.
  3. Do SC, BP & JFK have different unions than the rest of MTA Bus/NYCT? I wonder if this was a planned "slowdown" for whatever reason.
  4. Two line runs back to back having issues.. first run the train had to be taking OOS due to an mechanical problem and the run behind it the train went BIE.. https://mobile.twitter.com/NYCTSubway/status/1237489216843587585 https://mobile.twitter.com/NYCTSubway/status/1237492659779928064
  5. That stop across the street from KFC, near Utica & E New York Ave.
  6. Even though the swap between JAM & CI is pretty much done, give or take one or two sets. Their still using 160s on the line (I'm riding on one right now). I was hoping the remaining 160s at CI yard would get split between the and & lines so maybe their in the process of doing that.
  7. This guy was waiting for the B46 local at the bus stop, when the bus came it didn't stop and kept on going. Dude basically did the Doc Rivers gif.. Was quite funny to see..
  8. Must be an beautiful sight. Just like the 90s and early to mid 2000s! R46 and train recently became a thing of the past but 68s on the Brighton Local is back.. at least one aspect of my childhood is back lol
  9. How do we even know that Cuomo is the main force behind the R32s retiring? I googled "Governor Cuomo R32" and found nothing saying such. I know he said a few YEARS ago that the R32s belong in a museum or something along those lines as a joke but I can't recall him outright saying or pushing the MTA to retire the 32s. Maybe NYCT management just wants the cars gone, 32s have a low MDBF and the A/C always breaks down during the summer time. Its been explained elsewhere in this thread that with some shuffling the cars around the B div the shortage wouldn't be that big of a issue.
  10. There's an set of 32s on the where the cars are signed up to the to Far Rock/207th street..
  11. In regards to this supposed "car shortage" that the R32s retirement would cause... how come everybody ignores the fact that ENY is a SURPLUS of 8 car trains!? ENY has like around 100 or so R179s where's they only had 50 R42s to replace. I wouldn't be surprised if the excess 179s ENY have will eventually get transferred to the line. Yes, the MTA does at lot of things worth criticizing over, but I just find it hard to belive that MTA management is making a such a bone headed decision to retire a fleet of cars without a replacement, where the results would be disastrous. Either way they retired the R30 cars in the early 90s without anything replacing them until the R143s came along and the MTA made it work. I can remember a bit of the late 90s and from reading experiences from old timers and personal experience (I was a kid back then) I can't recall a car shortage being so bad in the B div that it affected service. If any older railfans on here that was around during the 90s can elaborate on this, please do. I think some of y'all is just being a tad bit over dramatic about this cause y'all really like these cars and the RFW.
  12. I didn't know the WillyB had capacity during rush hour for the AND some trains sprinkled in between.
  13. YouTube videos automatically link on here, all you gotta do is copy and paste the link of the YouTube video in your post.
  14. IDK the vehicle numbers of the cars still active, but there's 80 R32 cars still in service. There was 222 R32 cars active when the R179 order started. With that being said, the R46 I rode was the ONLY 46 train I saw. Transferred to the at Jay Street and guess what was pulling in... an R32 train!
  15. Found this on Reddit I think it's safe to say the R32s are retiring in the spring and NOT when the R211s arrive. If the 32s were staying I think they would have stopped retiring cars around the 100-110 mark. Also there's an R46 about to arrive at Bay Ridge-95th street if anybody is hunting one..
  16. line is FUBAR right now due to an rail condition at E105th.
  17. Just got off an R32 going to Lefferts, nice surprise, wasn't even looking for nor expecting it.
  18. There's an R46 on the today, just saw it a few minutes ago at Broadway Junction.
  19. Just now at the N/B platform at 34th Street there was a R46 train and an R160 train side by side in the station at the same time.. how rare is that these days?!? I'm fanning so I had to choose between the two sadly, I choose the R46 train since I rode a 160 train more recently, however the car I was stuck in on the way to Astoria had flat wheels which kind of ruined the ride. Oh well.
  20. Probably a movie or TV shoot, shows I watch I noticed that some subway scenes was filmed at the Bowery abandoned platforms.
  21. Heh, the remaining 2002 MCI outlived some of the newer MCI's..
  22. There's an 160 about to pull into the Astoria terminal if anybody is looking for one.
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