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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. Low key, the MTA could run an R32 final trip and rather than have it be free, make it a paid trip, that's one way to enforce social distancing lol. Back in the day I believe some of the final runs of certain car classes were paid trips and not free. They were better as they went all over the system rather than go back and forth on one route. I remember seeing the description for one of those old MOD trips and the goal was to cover as much of the A or B div (I forgot which one it was) as possible.
  2. Today I rode the subway again, ridership was sightly higher, but still very low. Seen whole families and groups of teens riding the subway today. Was very easy to social distance on all the trains I rode today. Nothing noteworthy happened on my way to the Park, but coming home I decided to take the or to the home rather than the to the . Both the downtown & pulled into 57th Street seconds apart, I look into the tunnel on the express track and see the diamond rollsign but I can't tell what type of equipment it is, I assumed it was an R46. I see the pull in and its the 68A! I was gonna take the Q originally but since the N was a 68A I decided to take that instead...... but then the pull in and its an 68A!!!! *foams* R68A are really nostalgic for me since my early years of High School 68A's dominated the which I rode daily. Really enjoyed riding the 68A from 57th to Canal. Prior to the pandemic I was fanning the BMT Broadway line a lot due to the car swap but I'm really happy they are using 68A's on the again.
  3. Not my photo but I had this photo saved on my computer...
  4. He has 2000 subs cause his videos are entertaining. His video about Phil Murphy closing the parks in NJ is classic... Dude is damn near cutting a wrestling promo. Yea the things he complains about is silly but its entertaining, another youtuber even tried to copy his formula of making videos, made a video saying the Q27 is the Babylon Branch of QV depot LMAO.
  5. In the late 2000s, I seen some dudes jumping on a B54 bus like in that video after the PR day parade. Their was an party like environment around Myrtle Ave & Broadway that evening.
  6. The beaches on Long Island will be open, but not NYC.
  7. In reply to your last question, this is only I guess but... A lot of train sets get boxed in on the express tracks under QB/Hillside when they are layed up for the night, sometimes all weekend, the 179s are still under warranty so maybe they keep them on the so ENY shops can access them at anytime. 143s on the might be for a similar reason, a lot of 179s might be OOS for warranty work so they use 143s in their place.
  8. I made an mistake, NY STATE beaches will open but NYC beaches will stay closed until further notice. Sorry for the confusion everyone
  9. Cuomo just said the beaches will reopen on Memorial Day weekend. This will be a disaster for the Q35 as those buses be crushloaded during beach season WITH the entire bus being available. This year it will be even worse with the front of the bus closed to passengers and buses being free. Of course you can't social distance in a crushloaded bus, Q53 will have the same problem. A couple days ago I took the B103 to Wendy's as I had a taste for their food. Going there the bus was pretty close normal crowding levels the 103 has, no way everyone on that bus was an essential worker. I took the bus to Wendy's only for it to be closed for takeout (it was drive thru only).
  10. Homeless ppl riding express buses is some grade A F***ery. Spending a night on the express bus is like spending a night in a royal suite compared to the subway.
  11. Their life expectancy is longer than 35 years, since the cars are stainless steel they should be fine in that regard long term. Only thing the TA gotta worry about is the mechanical performance of the cars, bombardier sets are doing good, Kawasaki ones on the are doing good and the ones on the are improving. As long as we don't fall into another deferred maintenance era the NTT should be fine long term.
  12. There was a discussion last page about OG hybrids not being capable of doing that (all of the OG's at Quill are OOS for this very reason). Just saying there are some OG where the B/O can open the rear door without passenger interference. I have not seen every single 6800 has ENY has in action since the pandemic started lol so I can only comment on the ones I saw. If anybody is interested, the 65/6600 at ENY have been running since pandemic started, however IDK if it's possible for the B/O to open up the rear doors on those.
  13. I seen an 6800 out of ENY where the rear doors opened without passengers touching anything. So at least some OG Orion's are capable of doing this.
  14. The LIRR electric fleet is currently 100% M7 since the essential service started, as both the M3s AND M9s are in storage right now.
  15. This post has me cracking up LMAO. Dude called overzealous fanners a simp for constantly bothering the NYCT Twitter account about an R32 final trip. Being the person behind the NYCT Twitter account gotta be one of worst jobs to have.. regular passengers constantly cursing you out when there's a service disruption, railfans asking railfan related question, like where a certain car model is at on a particular route, R32 final run, etc. Someone should ask NYCT Twitter if 76th Street really exists, I'm curious as to what their answer would be lol
  16. For the first time since mid March, I rode the subway today. Not to railfan, but to go the park. It was surreal, ridership is LOW. Took the to the and both trains no more than 5 ppl in the entire car the entire trip. This time of day usually a whole bunch of people get off at Broadway Junction, today, only a handful of people. Broadway Junction N/B A/C platform, ghost town, usually fairly busy this time of day. 14th/8th Ave stop was practically empty, it was so quiet in the station I could hear my sneakers pressing against the floor, that station is usually a madhouse this time of day. Nice to see ppl are following the MTA orders of staying off the system unless you're an essential worker. I kinda felt guilty for riding today but the weather is so nice today and I couldn't resist the urge to enjoy it.
  17. I know it's the bridge side of DeKalb, I lived along the Brighton Line a good portion of my life rode trains though DeKalb over the bridge many times. My post was replying to BM5's post (forgot to quote him) saying they can't run though DeKalb at all. I'm saying they can run museum cars though the bridge tracks at DeKalb as seen in the video.
  18. Why are y'all worried that this will be for good? Maybe I'm misremembering but I recall reading one of these transit boards that's it's easier to keep the system running 24/7 than to shut it down every night. I'm pretty sure trains will still be running light throughout the system during this closure. Not to mention all the ppl who work odd hours, etc. This is the "city that never sleeps" no way this will be permanent.
  19. I believe the TOMM passed though DeKalb AFTER the Montague tube rebulid. None of the cars in the TOMM consist can fit in the rebuilt Montague tube so I would imagine 60FT SMEEs can run via the Bridge for special occasions. Here is the video proof
  20. I assume this is the Flushing Ave on the and lines? Woodhull is right next to that stop, maybe someone with mental illness got released from the hospital. A couple months ago, I was eating at an restaurant near Woodhull and there was grown man in the restaurant crying like a baby and mumbling random things. I saw the tag on his arm seems like he recently got released from there. I still ordered my food and ate it in the restaurant despite that lol.
  21. They don't assign cars based on MDBF, well in modern times at least. If they did that then R32s wouldn't have been assigned to the in recent years. If the R46 MDBF is supposedly dropping so fast (is there even any proof of this?) then Pikin Yard would just have to deal with it or try to figure what's the main cause of failure on the R46s and try and fix it.
  22. Ever since the R42 final run fanners have been obsessed with this R32 final run. I like the 32s and rode the final 42 run and I don't really see the appeal. The train will rush hour like crowds full of railfans, is that really enjoyable? That's not a knock against railfans, riding a crushloaded train period isn't really enjoyable. It would only be worth it me if the final run was on a southern BMT line like the or Plus half of y'all will make posts complaining about "foamers" and railfans misbehaving on the train. The R38, R40M, R44 didn't get official final runs and nobody lost sleep over it back then. I just don't understand why railfans are so obsessed with car classes having an special final run all of a sudden. Random, but when I rode the R42 final run, if I had a drink Everytime some buff said the word foamer I'd die of alcohol poisoning.
  23. No.....Wait until the city re opens/gets back to normal then we can expect to hear about an R32 final run.
  24. The title of that Reddit thread is comedy "Rest in hell with that R42" LMAO
  25. I don't believe the R32s are done for good and I WANT the 32 to be retired lol
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