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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. lol at "Mega exclusive". Got to ride the Siemens 160 train today, I wasn't railfanning today, just using the subway to travel to the park to enjoy an nice day. The first to show up just happened to be an Siemens 160, you can tell the T/O is not used to those cars, the T/O started slowing down long before the curve before West 4th, started slowing down for Nostrand Ave at Clifton - Washington.... usually they start slowing down for Nostrand around Franklin Ave. I am NOT criticizing the T/O, just an observation. I guess the braking characteristics between the Siemens 160 and the R179 is drastically different...? I know it was said that Siemens 160 brakes tend to slide where's the Astom Onix ones do not, but that was said when the R160s were new. Since then the warranty ended, they went though SMS, etc, they could be drastically different now, IDK. But man those Siemens 160s are fast, that train was MOVING! All and all it was a fun ride.
  2. Nah, if the can be 100% NTT and then become 100% SMEE again, so can the 2 pairs (4 cars) apart of the Transit Museum fleet.
  3. I read on Reddit that the 42s have been stripped of some of their parts so for that reason they are NOT coming back for service. They took some parts off the 42s to use on the R68/68A's
  4. Today I rode the to the BX to see if trains are using the express track to bypass 138th S/B.... they are using the local track. Took the to 59th to transfer to the to 42nd Street and walked to 8th Ave and was gonna wait there until either an R160 or train showed up, the FIRST train to show up was a 160! Of course I got on it and rode to Canal. As my train is sitting in Canal I hear that Astom Onix population creeping into the station... An R160 train was pulling into the station!!!!!! Of course I transferred to that 160 train and rode to Broadway Junction. I thought about riding it all the way out to Lefferts but 1) I didn't feel like it 2) on weekends the has LONG layovers at Lefferts and 3) I'm pretty sure I already rode an R160 out to Lefferts during an to Lefferts G.O many years ago.
  5. There's an Lefferts Blvd bound R160 train about to head into BK (now at Chambers street) the train right in front of it is also an R160.
  6. lol they finally shortened the B103, ppl on twitter was going on NYCT Bus twitter complaining that no buses were running downtown except for the B103.
  7. I don't see the point of limiting the 160s on the to rush hour only. When the had 32s they ran off peak and weekends so why limit the 160s? I'm pretty sure they will be running off peak.
  8. Lol, the RFW is roped off, no RFW for you railfans! With that being said, I'm seeing in this thread that 160s are heading to the line!?!?! Between R46 running on the West End this weekend ( is rerouted via the West End this weekend) and possibly 160s running on the , who cares about R32s coming back lol
  9. The R32 compressors overheat in hot tunnels and thus the A/C shutting off.
  10. The 32 puts out much cooler air than the 46 HVAC in my experience... The 46 HVAC is much more reliable though as I have yet to come across a hot car in that fleet, where's it's happened quite a few times with the 32s.
  11. The R32s have sitting idle for nearly two months, I don't think they could just dump them back in service like they have been running every day. I would imagine they would need inspection, some mechanical work done, etc. The 32s still might eventually return..
  12. At 2PM, all NYC buses pulled over for a moment of silence in memory of George Floyd. The B/O announced this over the PA system. The B/O of the bus I'm on pulled into the bus stop, pulled the parking brake, and threw up the Black Power fist for a bit. Very dope gesture!
  13. I agree with this entire post. With Covid and protest's and riots going on, I'm sure the last thing on Cuomo's mind is some old subway cars. I honestly think this whole "Cuomo hates the R32s and wants them gone" is just some imaginary railfan tales. Nobody ever posts an article or source of Cuomo saying such things.
  14. Supposedly the same thing happened to a Bombardier R142 on the curve between 138th and 149th many years ago.
  15. Midtown is getting looted like crazy, I can totally understand the TA outright suspending the UP express routes. I'm surprised they didn't suspend bus service in the BX, that borough is like a real life GTA right now.
  16. That the city will start to reopen June 8th? I will say, it's crazy how the protests have damn near knocked Covid-19 out of the news cycle.
  17. I wonder how buses are boarding at 165th Bus terminal considering that ppl can't go though the front door? 165th is a tight fit and the doors on most buses that stop there open outward, must be a hassle I'd imagine. Also wondered how they handled wheelchair operations at 165th when RTS's were still around.
  18. Been riding the subway more often these past couple of days, ridership is still light, but some noteworthy things happened today.... The R160 train I rode, one of the doors got stuck in my car and the C/R had to come and cut out that problematic door, trip was smooth sailing from there on out. Transferred at Canal for the Broadway BMT, a 160 showed up first, went express, train was empty and it hauled ass down the Broadway Express, very fun ride. Coming home, took the train home and got an 179, at 14th street, an express caught up to my and both trains arrived at Canal at the same time, got the lineup first and went ahead at Canal. Normally, when a train goes in front of the at Canal St, usually the blows past it around the Clifton - Washington Stop. But this time, that same train that was right behind my didn't catch up until Rockaway Ave! I wonder what delayed that train, it was a 179 and was tempted to transfer in Manhattan, but it was more crowded than my and thus harder to social distance. Also the seems to running on 7 minute headways. Riding the subway during this pandemic has been fun, little to no dwell time, trains are practically empty, etc. I was in quarantine for most of the pandemic, but started venturing out more often now that Covid-19 has died down a bit, thus it "feels" safer to travel.
  19. Ok. I checked CPTDB a couple months ago and think only NYMTA was listed, couldn't find pics of XE60s in other properties back then as well, only was pics of the demo bus. Both are updated now though. I must have overlooked or missed that MBTA was the first to have them. *Facepalm* EDIT: LACMTA had XE60s since July of last year!? I have been living under a rock for bus happenings smh lol.
  20. I think NYMTA is the first ever TA to operate the XE60, so that adds more teething issues as those XE60s at Quill are the first of their kind to run out in the real world. I think the NYMTA would have been the first to operate the restyled MCI as well, I was worried about that if MCI won the express bus order, but Prevost ended up winning the order so it's moot
  21. Yea the R62/62A have more horsepower than the older IRT SMEE's. I found an data sheet for the 62s but not any of the Redbird car classes. I just assumed at least some of the parts were interchangeable cause for example the R33ML and R62 propulsion sounds the same and some of the under body equipment looks similar. Also its been said that the TA went back to tried and true technology for the R62/62A order after all the problems the R44/46 had, and I just assumed the cars that became the Redbirds got upgraded with similar technology to the 62/62A during GOH. I should have added a question mark to the second sentence of my post. I know at one point (forgot the exact time period) they did assign IRT cars to shops by propulsion system, but I can't figure out if they followed this practice into the 90s. I rode Redbird trains quite a few times as a kid, I got to ride them on all three Lex Ave lines and the back then, but never the sadly. I eventually got to ride a redbird on the but it was one of those Mets opening day specials though. I never knew that R62A existed until I started posting on forums like this, prior to the R142s I only seen Redbirds on the (5)..
  22. Cause they don't wanna stock parts for two different fleets at Livonia and 240 St shops. Yea, in the Redbird days the and had a mix of Redbirds & 62s, but I think the line's Redbirds & 62 had the same propulsion system and the line Redbirds and the R62A have the same propulsion system. So I assume they used the same parts. I know at one point cars were assigned to IRT shops by propulsion system, even though one shop would have multiple car fleets.
  23. I just saw this on twitter Its crazy to see NYC B/O's take such a bold stance, this is historic.
  24. 4331 is being used as a police bus, I wonder if the person driving the bus is MTA or NYPD?
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