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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. Cause they were replaced by diesel Novas & New Flyers that was proven reliable for NYCT service so there was no need to do that.
  2. Man ain't nobody going out of their way to go to some rinky dink green acres mall. Bus routes that go to a beach I'd agree, but GA mall? Nah.
  3. Man they need to do what away with this open the windows on the bus when it's hot out nonsense, 7129 is f***ing hotter inside the damn bus than it is outside. The A/C is on, but it can't do its job cause most of the windows are open!
  4. Metro North mascot giving out masks on the railroad https://mobile.twitter.com/MetroNorth/status/1283345821870759936 I miss days when Metro Man had the M1/M3 body...
  5. I wonder if they are being moved around to keep them "loose". I remember hearing that's it's not good for a train to sit idle for months at a time. This is one of reasons why on the Holiday train different cars are put on the head end every week, so the cab controls components can get their parts worked.
  6. This site is like 99 percent Male, OP. Women are far more likely to fall victim to things listed in OP. I know women can be "aggressive" with random men they find attractive but because of how society is, you'd be hard pressed to get a man to admit to this on camera.
  7. An R32 is in service right now signed up as the . Prior to this 32 train pulling in an NIS 160 passed through the station heading to layup, apparently they sent the NTT to layup and kept the old SMEE in service.. Just got off an LIRR M9, go downstairs and catch an R32 train😁😊
  8. Yeah, I know. But the R46 and NTT are noticeably different and 8 car 160s ran on the very recently and suddenly putting 10 car 160s on the line might cause confusion... like T/O's stopping at the wrong car marker and C/R opening up with cars in the back of the train still in the tunnel. NYCT train crews are very smart but it's been implied on here and elsewhere by T/O's that managment treats train crews like idiots. I don't think their would be an issue with 10 car 160s running on the but perhaps NYCT managment thinks otherwise.
  9. I assume they don't run 10 car 160s on the the same reason trains don't stop at 145th on the and trains didn't stop at South Ferry loop when it got sent there during G.O's... The crews might get confused since the only used 8 car NTT over the years.
  10. So far this summer the A/C has been working on every R62A I rode on both the and lines. Either the mechanics found a fix to the constant A/C failures on that fleet or the lighter ridership is putting less strain on the car's A/C systems. Also the A/C on the 62A's this summer has been ICE COLD! Not that weak A/C found on cars like the R46s for example.
  11. There's some R36s in work service... There usually stored in Unionport Yard when they aren't in use.
  12. There was a rumor that there is or was an R32 with an R16 truck. No idea of what numbered 32s they might have been nor if it's one of the units that got reefed.. I heard the museum R10 the one that's operational one of the trucks of from an retired R32. IDK if those R36s still in work service count but those still have the legit SMEE braking system, the other cars that went through GOH got an more modern variation of that braking system. So my guess would be those R36WF assigned to work service has the oldest mechanical gear.. I think the R36s have controllers from retired R30 cars as well.
  13. I JUST seen 4711 on I-95 around the Pelham Bay Park area going N/B... I wonder where its headed
  14. I wonder if Gun Hill will hold on to those XD60s still assigned there for the foreseeable future. Since they have the same powertrain as the Novas (ISL/ZF) maybe they aren't oddballs from a maintenance prospective?
  15. Forgot to post this yesterday, there was an MTA police SUV parked at Rockaway Parkway station. First time I seen them guarding NYCT property, they usually only guard the two MTA commuter railroads. Rockaway Parkway is the easiest station to fare beat, just simply walk into the terminal where the buses enter. I wonder why MTA police was guarding that station as I don't think NYPD even bothers with farebeaters anymore.
  16. More reliable A/C? The R33WF has had rusting problems since the early 2000s and they are still being used in work service today. They even recently added two to R33WF to the museum fleet after being in work service for years. Perhaps the rusting problems on those cars aren't as bad as we think.
  17. Highest- Lex Lowest... maybe the Nassau street line?
  18. I got to ride an 4700 on the B1 today, bus has some power!!! IDK if this bus was like this when when it was in the BX or UP fixed it up, this was easily my best 4700 ride...
  19. The A/C on those buses is non existent. I rode one on the BX12 where it was hotter INSIDE the bus than it was outside! IIRC, the A/C on those units was weak when they ran on the M15 as well. Interior in a lot of them are raggedy as well. I remember when those buses were new, never did I imagine them to age so poorly.
  20. Yikes, move all 90 of the 1200's to one depot!? That would suck for the riders of said depot as from a passenger prospective, simply put, those buses suck lol. And they appear to be beat to hell.
  21. There's at least one set of 32s in service right now, JC bound.
  22. Car 3888, second car in the consist Queens Bound, 7th car Manhattan bound has chains on the #1 end even though no train crew operates from this part of the train. Cars have only been back a couple of days and it seems like they are already shuffling pairs.
  23. There's no way to tell how many will be running on Monday. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the 32s will be treated like the 42s were when there was only 50 of them and ENY had all of their 160s. Vast majority run only during rush hour while a set or two runs off peak and weekends. I predicted the 32s would be used this way and so far it looks like I'm right lol😁
  24. There's in R32 in service on the right now, just passed it at Essex St, should be at Marcy or Hewes street now
  25. Rode an Cuomo scheme Nova out of KB today and the A/C barely worked and every window was open on the bus. Do the Cuomo Nova 40ers in general have crappy A/C or I just got an defective bus? In my experiences of the current fleet the buses with the best A/C are the most recent batch of XD60s we have, most recent batch of XD40s and the Orion NGs. How's the A/C on those Novas on the SBS routes? I can't recall if I ever rode one during the warm weather months. I also seen an XD60 on the M60 today, was kinda bummed about that cause I thought about fanning the M60 today, but didn't. Been wanting to ride an XD60 over the triboro..
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