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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. One of the R179's at ENY now have those yellow stickers the R32s have next to the cab window.
  2. Yea, but I won't be able to post them until this evening and by then I'm sure there will be plenty of photos and videos online of the shuttle lol
  3. The blue wall is down at Times Square shuttle platform, new tiles were laid and there's a fresh smell of cement.
  4. Two trains got taken OOS due to mechanical problems this afternoon, no idea what equipment it was (Saw it on NYCT twitter) Also seen an 8 car R160 NIS passing though Marcy Ave Manhattan bound yesterday in the middle of rush hour! I assume it was going to CI Overhaul shop to get some kind of work done, just odd to see such a move done in the middle of rush hour.
  5. Surprised Metro North leases WOH trackage, I thought NJ Transit owned all of WOH trackage. I take it NS does MOW work on the trackage leased to MN?
  6. I wonder why LI has it's own freight railroad and rail deliveries on LI aren't done by CSX for example. CSX can reach the LIRR via Hell gate bridge to Lower Montauk but by knowledge of freight operations is very limited. It's always foam worthy when I catch an New York and Atlantic freight travelling down the Bay Ridge Branch in BK, I still remember the first time I seen one traveling down the branch as a kid. Under the parking lot near the Junction on Flatbush Ave. Sometimes there's NY and Atlantic freight running along side the train between Atlantic Ave and New Lots, always cool when that happens 😁
  7. LIRR has New York and Atlantic freight trains running on their tracks. Metro North owns the lines it shares with Amtrak. Metro North owns all of the trackage in their system, same goes for LIRR except for the Penn Station/East River tunnels to Harold Interlocking.
  8. NYPD doesn't even bother to enforce the fare anymore, on multiple occasions I've seen ppl fare beat on the subway right in front of the cops. So its gonna be "Interesting" to see how farebeaters will react to the eagle team, especially in this current climate. Since the Eagle Team is back I guess I'll be cutting back on my SBS usage until OMNY is implemented city wide. Only using the SBS on occasion with my "burner" metrocards I get from hospital visits.
  9. Your second point, yeah, so? I did not say the 33s didn't have rust problems at all, just said they fared the best out of all the Redbird car classes. And to your last point, how do you know, source?
  10. I don't do well in hot, humid weather at all and get hot easily so I carry two bottles of these in my backpack... I don't buy new bottles every day, I just refill them daily before I go out for the day. 7/11 sells store brand water in the same type of bottle and sometimes you can get an 2 for 3 bucks deal.
  11. Most of my redbird rides that I remember were in the late 90s and early 2000s, they wasn't really that bad TBH. I enjoyed riding the cars. Then again most of these rides were on the which had the R33ML assigned to it which was the best car class of the IRT redbird batch. Most of those stuck around in the system after retirement, mostly as rider cars in work train consists, and of course a couple of pairs was set aside for Transit Museum and used in the TOMC consists. I know the R36WF had it bad with the rusting though. @T to Dyre Avenue it seems you bring up sub talk posters being happy the 142/142A got sidelined back then every chance you get like you have PTSD over it or something haha. I wouldn't be surprised if that still happens in the community whenever the R179 get sidelined and the R32/42 ends up coming back in the masses. I kinda feel the same way you did about Redbird/142s but with the R32 and R179, hopefully the 32s are retired for good once the 179s come back.
  12. Their was R42 on the right after Sandy for some reason. IIRC during the summer of 2012 the 42s on the only ran on the Rock Park specials, no off peak or weekend service.
  13. Stick with the Cuomo colors, the early cars had the Yellow and Black scheme but Cuomo insisted that the cars have the Cuomo scheme.
  14. How do you know the R211 will be a reliable train out the gate? Or even a good train in general? R142A, M9 are a few Kawasaki products that had issues when new. And we do need the R179, R32 and R42 are 50+ years old. Their MDBF was much lower than every other car class on the fleet. Despite the issues the R179 still had a much higher MDBF than the R32/R42. 179s offer improved passenger amenities, smoother rides and FIND, etc. R32 was a good train in 1975 and the R42 in the 90s and early 2000s but their time has come. 32s are have chronic door and A/C problems, they need to go.
  15. It appears all of the R42s have been removed from ENY yard, only saw 32s and New Techs in the yard, end of an era...
  16. Those 2005 Orions aged so well, rode one yesterday on the B17 and it had good A/C and good ride quality. With all these NGs from FLA getting transferred to ENY that very well could have been my last 2005 Orion ride on a ENY route. I love the diversity ENY has with various batches of XD40s and Orions, and their all great to ride.
  17. IMO every depot that has off peak express service should get a piece of this order. If any depot has to be left out, then leave out depots like LGA, BP, etc since their express routes are rush hour only. Maybe FR too since they have only have one off peak express route. As someone who lives along a SC Express route, I would not be losing any sleep if SC gets left out as I really like their MCI's. My first half of my post was from a logic prospective, second half is from a bus fan and causal commuter on the BM2...
  18. I've been coming across a lot of Jamaica R160s with defects lately.. One set on the with stuck FIND One set on the where the AAS was out of sync and announcing stops way too early, for example the announcement for Broadway Junction playing when the train is just outside of Rockaway Ave, C/R had to make manual announcements at every stop. Set with dead motors on the (E), screeching brakes due to the dead motor and you could smell the brake pads burning when the train stopped. Set with door problems on the , all the doors were closed on the train except for one door in the middle of the car in the rear of the train. Yes, I know the latter two problems happens on every car class in the system. But it's crazy to come across so many defects on the best the B div has to offer (In terms of MDBF) in a short period of time.
  19. Saw this on my Youtube feed, bus looks great!
  20. You can now use the mobile app to buy single light rail tickets! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nj.com/news/2020/07/at-last-nj-transit-riders-can-finally-buy-a-light-rail-ticket-with-a-smartphone.html%3foutputType=amp You can't use the app to buy River line tickets if you have an North Jersey zip code, but that should be dealt with soon. EDIT: If you have an NYC zip code you CANNOT buy a single ticket on the app, only monthly, just tried it 🙁
  21. Took Metro North up to White Plains today, got an M3 in both directions 😁 Train had door problems delaying us leaving GCT, train coming back the A/C was broke in one of the cars. Train also got delayed in both directions due to single tracking, its nearly 5PM on a weekday and their STILL single tracking SMH.
  22. There was two R68A's on the back to back around 5PM. Hope 68/68A continue to have an presence on the .... From *personal observation* prior to today I haven't seen 68s on the ever since the came back, only 46s and 160s...
  23. Intresting that two OG's in order went to ENY... So far the only time MTA Bus buses bought by the MTA went to NYCT is when SI had some 3000s series MCI from MTA Bus many years ago. They was basically loans as SI eventually sent them back to MTA Bus. EDIT: And the XD60s from CS to LGA
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