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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. ENY 6800s are pretty easy to find and are still common on ENY routes.
  2. Bus 3100 might be very late for its run as its stuck in stand still traffic S/B on the Henry Hudson Parkway. I walked the trail along side the highway from 125th to 96th and the bus was WAY ahead of me, I passed it, and when I looked back around 96th Street bus was nowhere to be found.
  3. This is the first time I'm hearing of ENY getting hate.. I ride their buses regularly both originals to that depot and buses from elseware and its usually a pleasant ride. I don't mind the NGs from GH coming to ENY. IMO the 40 footers at KB and GH are not that bad, it's the artics that feel a little rough around the edges at those BX depots.
  4. Today I seen an R179 on an Rock Park special.. first time I seen an 179 on those runs. I know the 179s ran in service before to Rock Park on G.O's though. 3032... Man the Pikin Yard pigeons must have ate Chipotle or White Castle or something as one half of the car is COVERED in thick bird poop.
  5. Because R68s were never assigned to Jamaica Yard. Theres a video of an R68A garbage train on QBL out there though. EDIT: found it.. Also an R68 ran on the one day within the past couple of years.. Neither videos are mine, credit goes to the railfans on YouTube who uploaded these videos.
  6. No new stops on the Upper Hudson line runs (Off peak runs express from Harlem to Tarrytown, then all stops after that) New Haven has two brand new stations that opened in recent years, but I doubt those two extra stops would increase the runtime so much.
  7. I wonder what caused a whole HALF HOUR to be added to the GCT - NH and GCT - POU runtime!?! Both of these runs used to be able to be done in a hour and a half, now both take two hours SMH.
  8. It's not good for any train to sit idle for months at an time, that in itself could cause problems. Heard the M3's on LIRR had a lot of problems when they came back after sitting idle for a few months.
  9. There was 10 car set sitting between stations S/B between Nostrand and Kingston-Throop Ave, NIS. Eventually it passed my train and went though Utica Ave. My stopped at Utica, riders boarded and exited, my train left and caught up to that same OOS R179 set! That 179 had to have an mechanical problem of some sort, as the 179s are leaps and bound faster than the R46. There was also a large gap in service as I had JUST missed a train, 10 minutes later no came and a C train came... this was due to an gap in service cause an train had to be removed from service at 175th street.
  10. Looks like trains can be hosed down in the shop like is seen in the photo below... Why doesn't every yard do this?
  11. TA must have cut back on their cleaning budget cause so many cars in the fleet are dirty on the outside. I know every yard doesn't have a car wash, sometimes I wish they would wash the outside of the train with a hose whenever they go to the maintenance shop for inspection... but they probably don't do that for safety reasons. Seen an R179 today covered in bird poop on the outside and was just dirty looking SMH. Most of the ENY R160s look like crap too.
  12. Where did I say that people didn't? I just simply said it's not as easy as before.
  13. There's four 6500s on the Q54 for anybody hunting for them....
  14. The bus terminal at Rockaway Parkway station now RR crossing style poles at both entrances, only goes up when a bus is passing though. About time they did this cause it was way too easy to farebeat at that station and people definitely took advantage of that.
  15. Looks like JFK routes will be the bus fan hotspot over the next couple of days to catch those remaining 6500s before they are scrapped.
  16. Sucks. I like this batch of buses... a little more than the 2014-15 batch of XD40s that pushed them out. Wonder if there was something wrong with these 64/65/6600s to get them abruptly retired like this. Like for example some of the 1999 RTS had issues with the bulkheads, etc. I thought this batch of buses would last until whenever the next batch of brand new 40FT buses arrive, guess not.
  17. I hope the build quality on these upcoming XDE40 is better than the ones we already have... every one I been on is a rattle trap.
  18. line is a mess cause of a 12-9 at Halsey Street... there's a signal problem at Stutter Ave too. Canarsie bound platform at Broadway Junction is packed right now.
  19. https://www.masstransitmag.com/rail/vehicles/news/21154981/ne-big-kawasaki-customer-says-current-and-future-contracts-are-in-jeopardy?fbclid=IwAR17JrwNa6kMfsn1VRsFzeWhjC2uldHuv21s4ih8L_3hm_v94BQrAqUytBU Not sure of this article was already posted elsewhere on the forum but it is R211 related.
  20. Cash usage varies by neighborhood I'd imagine. Certain neighborhoods most of the bodgeas, chinese, chicken and 99 cent stores are cash only. So in these neighborhoods people are more likely to use cash to pay for MTA services as well.
  21. I think only mental health visits are done via Zoom or over the phone, every other medical visit is still done in person. The hospital I go was doing therapy and psychiatrist visits over the phone at the peak of the pandemic.
  22. According to mta.info, the cross honor is good for all of the LIRR stations east of Jamaica in Queens. Has anybody here rode east of Jamaica taking advantage of the cross honor? For example you can free from NYP to Queens Village or Rosedale thanks to the cross honor. Slightly off topic but Hempstead branch is running every half hour between Jamaica and Hempstead on weekends cause the main line is out, the trains that terminate at Mineola stop at QV too.
  23. A waterbug on a bus?!?! For those who don't know what a waterbug is, it's those big roaches that fly. It's a NY thing to call them waterbugs even though that's not that's particular bug's name.
  24. I really hope it is the R211.. And maybe the tarp is because they don't want railfans being the first people to photograph the car and want to unveil it at a press conference... Yea I know that tarp theory sounds a little tin foil/Wallyhorse like but its my guess haha
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