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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. Rode the today and got an R68! Seen an R68A going on the other direction, love when I catch those R68/R68A trains.
  2. Wow at the 4300s outlasting the 2008 MCIs.... assuming 2008 are scrap and not going to MTA Bus.
  3. The R46s condition at CI is exaggerated on here. According to that NYCT performance chart the R46 MDBF is pretty much the same as it was last year at this time, the fleet overall fleet MDBF went UP, actually. I doubt that the N/Q lines intervals are being dropped in the masses daily cause the R46s there are supposedly breaking down so much. Yeah they have dead motors, etc but the trains are still able to run. I'm sure the union would have bought the issue to the media attention to bring back the 32s to increase the space factor by now or something those lines.
  4. Yep, they did this when the R30 cars were retired with nothing replacing them until the R143s came along. NYCT made it work. This isn't the deferred maintenance era and the fairly young NTT's make up a good portion of the fleet. Things will be fine with the R32s retired. They had a great run, 55+ years is an excellent run for a railcar.
  5. Looks like even though normal service will be restored in the B div tomorrow the R32s will NOT be coming back. Unless 207th has been secretly prepping them and they will run on the or tomorrow... which I doubt. Looks like the R32s are finally done!!!! With the city reopening in July perhaps they can finally have the last run and start scrapping these cars.
  6. Nice to see the B41 in the top 10 again!
  7. That Gillig kind of looks like an Nova LFS CNG in that photo. Can't wait until these Gilligs hit service!
  8. 7674 got road called today Caught one of the three ECH Prevosts the other day, I botched the photo cause I was caught off guard and trying to avoid people.
  9. It probably went to the spur track between Canal and Chambers street, changed ends and went to 207th street to get repaired. BTW, I was on that same train you was on. It ran along side that NIS R179 between 34th and West 4th street. That 179 going OOS left an HUGE gap in service, they had to sent an local along the Fulton street corridor.
  10. Today on the train some crazy guy opened all the windows in the car rambling something about air circulation. I HATE when riders on the subway open the windows in a car, cause of the loud noise of the train traveling though the tunnel. Other riders in the car were also annoyed about this and two other riders closed the windows soon after he opened them. Besides those little windows don't circulate nothing, their so small, opening them just annoys your fellow riders. It's funny as I transfered at Broadway Junction to the and the R160 car I got the HAVC was broke and there was no type of breeze inside the car whatsoever with all those little windows open..
  11. Is there any particular reason why the the Tuskegee LFS hybrids haven't hit service yet? I saw on YouTube that MTV is using their LFS for driver training. MTV has a lot of in route driver reliefs so I understand why they haven't hit service yet at MTV. Does the M31 have driver reliefs? Theres no footage of the Tuskegee LFS, not even driver training.
  12. Did a round trip from Broadway Junction to Bedford Park Blvd on the got an R46 N/B and a R68 S/B. This hobby has exploded in popularity as I seen multiple buffs filming at various Concourse line stops. Years ago it was rare to see buffs in the masses outside of fan trips, etc.
  13. Is the running 8 minute headways this weekend? If they are running 12 minute headways on Concourse with 8 car R179s... yikes.
  14. Today for the first time ever I seen an MU bound for penn depart on track 1 at Jamaica, usually the diesels terminating at Jamaica use track 1 with the penn trains using track 2.
  15. One of the biggest improvements of modern day buses is putting the HAVC in the ceiling of the bus. The HAVC in the rear can be really loud making for an unpleasant ride. In terms of the current fleet the NGs are really bad in this regard. They weren't like this when they was new but now? The HAVC on those buses is deafening. I try to avoid sitting in the back on those buses for this very reason.
  16. Today an R179 ran on one of the Rock Park specials, first time I seen that since the R160s left the
  17. Yeah, someone bought 9207 when it was retired. Someone out there also owns a GMC RTS.
  18. I remember hearing that on lines that use multiple car classes, they *try* to keep each car class in bunches so in the event that one broke down, it would be easier to hook up the two trains due to having the same couplers or something like that. I read this YEARS ago on another forum, so I might have gotten a detail or two wrong. But I do remember reading something like that.
  19. I haven't heard of an subway car being sold (or donated) to a private owner since the Arnine days. One was in Staten Island as a restuarant, one is in Florida. So you don't have to be rich to pull this off. Buffs have bought retired buses from the MTA much more recently. No idea of an exact price though. I think the MTA gave museums like Illinois railroad museum and seashore retired subway cars for free, they just had to pay for shipping costs. Speculation on my part, you'd have an better chance finding an answer by e mailing the MTA rather than asking here.
  20. Why do people get on the bus, sitdown and THEN ask a passenger not the driver, if the bus is going uptown or downtown and what route it is? Dude got on the S/B M3 asking if it was the uptown BX19. Mind you this happened quite a few blocks NORTH of 145th where the BX19 runs.
  21. Why do yall think the will use the A line 179s? The line will be running normally and will need the 179s for its service. Also C line crews are use to the 8 car units and suddenly putting 10 car NTT on the can be confusing. R68/68As will most likely supplement the R46s, not 10 car R179s. There's literally a yard full of unused 68s that weekend but yet yall think they will dip into the A line fleet for equipment.. I like R179s too and would be cool to see them on Concourse. But going off of history, I just don't see it happening.
  22. That might have been the case back then. But current day It limits them since FLA refuses to use SBS wrapped XD40s on the local routes of SBS routes and the B49.
  23. MTA Bus local routes really got screwed, they really about to get a bunch of hand me down NGs from NYCT. Gonna be weird to see the Q35 and Q22 be mostly NG. I know that Flatbush B/O that posts here is gonna be really happy about those 40 XDs going to FLA. Finally B44 local, B46 local and B49 riders will get to experience the Cuomo scheme buses. It was stupid to paint those ex SBS B46 buses in the SBS scheme thus limiting their use at that depot. I have a feeling ENY XDE40 batch will be for the B82 SBS thus bumping the XD40 at ENY in the SBS scheme to local service.
  24. It was probably being driven in NJ to get work done somewhere.
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