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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. I saw that Siemens set on the coming from 96th street a little while ago.
  2. Totally different demographics. The average Islander fan wouldn't be caught dead on NICE Bus. I do worry have excess traffic to and from the arena will ruin reliability on the N6.
  3. Lol this thread is so random. Whoever in TA management deciding to call the overnight runs nighthawk has to be a birder😆 That bird isn't even commonly known.
  4. IDK about them other times, but in recent weeks the S/B runs local between 168th and 145th cause of the G.O.
  5. Its cause of a G.O that will be going on until October... there are midday layups on the S/B express track so the has to go local.
  6. This must be an express bus only issue as SC C40s are clean and have ice cold A/C and always track on bus time in my experience. SC provides excellent service on the B103. Ethier way it's odd that express buses at Creek have issues while the local service is great. I personally never had an issue with an SC express bus whenever I rode them.
  7. The B17, B42 and B82 are a pleasant ride, those are the three ENY routes I ride the most and I have no complaints. Most ENY ops I came across are friendly from what I seen. One time I was boxed in the back of an RTS on a B25 cause damn near every rider sitting back there had a Walker. Had to do gymnastics moves just to get off the bus.
  8. This happens all the time when the train release the brakes and part or all of the train is on an incline. Odd that this happened on a ATO route though.
  9. The B15 and B25 are by far the worst routes out of ENY. Every time I ride those routes it's a miserable experience. Just today there was a shopping cart, an unfolded stroller and the bus was SRO at the same time!
  10. Seeing the train in Pikin Yard, one thing I noticed is the HAVC is loud! Disappointing considering the HAVC on the 179s is nearly silent. Also the 3rd rail shoes appear to be bigger.
  11. As for the BK redesign I predict the BMs being rerouted to 6th Ave/Broadway off peak and Sunday service. SI redesign had off peak SIM2 service, bizzare terminal in Manthattan but was easily my favorite off peak SI express to fan, too bad off peak service was short lived, oh well. That's an obvious layup for the MTA to run the BMs via 6th/Broadway, that via FDR routing is outdated and should have been changed years ago. Financial District has weekend service but all the trendy areas of Manhattan are skipped..
  12. I noticed on Youtube there's various railfans who have videos of the train sitting in Pikin Yard 😄 I remember when the R179 order in its testing phase there was all kinds of railfan f**kery from fanners calling the yard to trying to convince the security guard there to let them inside to see the 179s. I wonder if that's still happening 😄 Fanners should avoid taking photos & videos at Yards and Depots if their not an employee, I use to do that as a teen (I'm 30 now) and admit it was wrong. Nothing wrong with going on the ramps of the apartment complex above Pikin yard and just looking though.
  13. Supreme R143 in service today, photo taken by me...
  14. Saw this sign in the window of a C40... Caught the GMC RTS metrocard bus on Fordham a few weeks back
  15. CBTC issues on the , currently caught in this...
  16. All these years the MTA been using that lot as an scrap yard and this is my first time seeing an bus actually being bought into the yard! Nice catch to whomever filmed that video.
  17. Didn't NJT keep some Flxible Metros for 20 years? I wouldn't be surprised if history repeats itself. From a passenger prospective the NABIs seem raggedy where NJT will need new buses sooner rather than later. My opinion of them could be way off base and the NABIs could be fine for their age, but from a rider perspective, they seem worn.
  18. Looks like the wrap is already applied... So that R143 is gonna sit OOS until the fall?
  19. Railfans will complain about the R211s replacing the SMEEs. Way back when some railfans didn't like the SMEEs when new cause they replaced the prewar cars like the D Types, Standards, Arines, Low V's, etc. I wouldn't sweat as this hobby is for entertainment and some railfans find the NTT to be boring. We got fanners foaming over automated announcements lol, the discussions about the old cars were a lot more interesting IMO.
  20. Off peak & weekends the express fleet in SI is pretty bland as well. These days its basically 99 percent 2014-2015 Prevosts. Before the new Prevost order started coming in 2200 MCI were common on the SIM3C/33C, now a bunch of them got scrapped so its mostly Prevosts. From a fanner perspective it really sucks that Meredith got those new Cuomo Prevosts. IMO CAS and YUK should have gotten 25 Cuomo Prevosts each. Or 25 split between YUK & CHR or CAS and CHR. At least then the buses would be in service off peak and offer some variety.
  21. The propulsion sounds of these cars kinda reminds me of the M8 and PA5 on terms of how quiet it is.
  22. When I lived in Flatbush I was near both the Brighton Line and Nostrand Ave IRT, I liked having access to both Broadway and 6th Ave on Brighton and Lex and 7th Ave on the IRT Nostrand. I'm sure most riders in those areas feel the same way and that's why the MTA doesn't focus on de-interlining.
  23. LMAO Well Well Well, full service restored and the R32s didn't come back, just like I predicted. I knew NYCT management knew what they was doing. R32 foamers must be punching the air right now LOL
  24. Not sure what the number was of that RTS before it became an mobile center, I knew it was that bus cause of the sirens on the roof.
  25. Went up to ECH today to see what's in the scrap yard these days... 1) surprisingly, many of the 6500s and some 6400s still exist, 6490 is still in the lot 2)The mobile command center RTS is in the scrap lot 3)there's a 51xx RTS that still exists, with the sign stuck as the Q5. AFAIK there's nothing notable about this particular RTS. 4)Theres 3 - 4 NGs in the scrap lot, surreal, I remember when the scrap lot was filled with TMC RTS and early to mid 90s Orion V's. Now the lot has buses that replaced those old TMCs and Orions. 5) 4904 is in scrap lot, as well as another RTS I assume is the 96 Nova that's apart of the museum fleet. I think these buses are safe, they are just there for storage 6)Theres a C40 from the 800 - 989 batch that still exists in the lot for whatever reason. 7) 2200s from CAS as well as random MCIs from the 04 - 07 batch are in the scrap lot. Weird to see the 2200s in the scrap lot. All of this was observed from a public street, no trespassing or photos were taken. The biggest surprise is the 6500s still being in existence, I thought they would be soda cans by now..
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