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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. Oh. I did not know they lost five Novas to KB this week! What crazy is I follow the moves/transfers thread smh lol.
  2. I wonder how many buses were damaged system wide due to Ida floodwaters. I have a feeling 100th street was hit hard and all those XD60s sent there from Quill are loaners cause they have a bunch of flood damaged buses.. Just speculation on my part.
  3. The lower Bronx portion of the is STILL out due to ida where's the rest of the system has been restored. Nostrand must be badly damaged as well as the been terminating at Bowling Green all day, and only limited service. Might need an emergency to Utica G.O this weekend so they can fully repair the Nostrand line.
  4. Today I rode an XN60 on the N6X and the rear middle seats were flapping up and down. I think the mechanics access parts of the engine of the bus though the interior rather than the rear hood and didn't close it correctly. I been on MCIs where diesel fumes and heat were leaking into the passenger cabin of the bus... not fun. Anyway, saw a lot of Orions and XN40s but no Gilligs. I saw two of them parked side by side at Mineola a couple days ago. Gotta upload the picture.
  5. Isn't 63rd tube the line? If so that tunnel should be fine as trains are using those tunnels right now (terminating at 21st Queensbridge) wheres 53rd and 59th are still out.
  6. I've seen video online of an bus still running along its route while flood water was INSIDE the bus! I'm surprised the bus still worked despite the interior being flooded. A Fresh Pond B/O was celebrated today in the media due to getting people home during the storm while her bus was flooded.
  7. Newkirk Ave on the IRT the wall collapsed https://gfycat.com/flusteredenragedbluetonguelizard
  8. There was an R62 on the today, didn't ride the subway today, saw it on YouTube. I wonder what other unusual car assignments was caused by the the storm. Was tempted to go into the city but I wasn't sure how messed up the system really was, hopefully things are back to normal by tomorrow.
  9. Not my pic, but what looks like a Orion is stuck in a flood I wouldn't be surprised if multiple depots are short tomorrow due to buses having flood damage.
  10. The ENTIRE Metro North system is suspended right now, even WOH lol
  11. Nah, every bus doesn't get rebuilt. None of the MTA batches of MCIs were ever rebuilt.
  12. I think those retired NGs simply aren't road worthy anymore. The fall pick must start soon? which is usually calls for an increase of service especially with NYC public schools opening back up soon. They probably will get hand me downs from MTV to replace those retired units in the meantime considering the XDE order slowed to a crawl in recent weeks.
  13. Longest serving MTA bus is ethier an Blitz rebuilt Fishbowl (museum bus 5227 is apart of this batch) or that batch of GMC RTS that got rebuilt. Both ran close to 25 years.
  14. They use to send NIS trains from ENY down to Canarsie to get washed, they stopped doing that for whatever reason. This even happened after the was converted to CBTC. Was cool to see the occasional R32 or 42 running NIS on the Canarsie line. I think the wash might be OOS for whatever reason. The most ridiculous train wash is for the line fleet, they got to run light all the way from Livonia to 239th street yard up in the BX to get washed. That's longer than the actual line revenue run!
  15. Why are these buses spec'd to have little fans by the drivers area? These buses have A/C, thought that was odd.
  16. Today was hot as hell, anyway I had some time to kill until the sun went down a bit and rode some buses to kill time and cool down. Got on the B25 at almost the first stop and planned to get off at Broadway Junction, which minimized my exposure to any possible F***ery on that route.... and it turned out to be an excellent ride! Bus was fairly empty the whole trip, op drove slow to avoid running hot and STILL traveled from Downtown BK to Broadway Junction in 40 minutes! Smooth sailing. Bus was also a Cuomo New Flyer which had excellent A/C. Also if you're fanning on a hot day avoid routes with 40FT diesel Novas, trash A/C and rear seats get hot like they did on Detroit Diesel powered buses. Well in BX and SI at least, not sure about JAM and QV.
  17. Today on the train I seen a woman giving her pet Turtle water from a water bottle... then she drunk out of that same bottle! I don't think its safe to drink water behind a reptile. Then she was just causally holding the little Turtle in her hand, one of the most amusing things I ever seen on the subway. I've seen Rats, Pigeons and Dogs on the subway, but never a Turtle.
  18. There's Youtubers getting NICE Bus NGs with alarms going off on a daily basis! Wild considering out of all the years I been riding MTA buses, only a handful of times I been on a bus with a noticeable mechanical problem. While NICE bus riders seem to be coming across buses with issues with relative ease. I was an regular commuter on Green Lines in 2005, one of the final years before the MTA and the Orion OG hybrids came though for the takeover. Bus always showed up and got me from point A to point B, people claim Green Lines had bad maintenance but I never had an issue. NICE might be WORST than Green Lines supposedly was, Green Lines at the time had, GMC RTS, TMC RTS, MCI Classics and DC reject Orion V's. Nice bus has... NGs and XN40s lol. Maybe those RTS and Classics were more resilient to poor maintenance than these NGs and XN buses were. Simple buses built in the 80s and early 90s vs current day high tech buses.
  19. I did not know that. But in this case the bus was traveling along its route and made an routine stop then it just shut off. After that it was fine the rest of the time I was on the bus.
  20. The C40 I'm on just shut off by itself without the op doing anything, op restarted the bus, and went on it's way like nothing happened. So what causes a bus to shut off by itself?
  21. The turnstiles at Flushing Main street are not working, all of them say "no cards" so everyone had to go through the gate. First time I ever seen all the turnstiles messed up at an station.
  22. Bob Diamond, who gave tours of the abandoned LIRR tunnel under Atlantic Ave, has died https://www.brooklynpaper.com/brooklyn-tunnel-impresario-transit-advocate-bob-diamond-dies-at-62/
  23. I rode the SIR today and they built a whole new barn just for the R211s. The facility looks to be pretty much complete. The current SI R44 fleet is serviced in a shed like building. I hope the 44s get to be maintained in the new barn before they are retired. They are loud and rough riding, complete opposite of the NYCT R44s when they was running. I hope the SI R211 have the WABCO AA2 horn which is equipped on the SI R44s, NYCT work diesels and the PA5s.
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