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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. They are functional. The chronic dead motor issue is the only thing really wrong with the CI R46s. They are not outright breaking down in the masses, theres no factual data saying that. Modern day railfans are so soft complaining about the R46s in their current state, the SMEEs prior to GOH were most likely a lot worse and covered in graffiti to boot. From a passenger prospective, only thing really wrong with the R46 is the weak A/C, but at least they not outright crapping out like the A/C on the R62As do for example. But the tech trains in general are much better than the older cars when it comes to the HVAC.
  2. Even though they have been here for a decade, I only been on the Allison transmission Nova LFS once, way back when they was at CAS. Today, I did some NICE bus fanning and took the N6 back into Queens, thought about getting off along Hempstead turnpike/Springfield Blvd? stop for the Q2 to 165th terminal but didn't feel like it. As my N6 gets futher into Queens I check bustime and see that the Q2 I would have ended up on was LFS #8000.... an Allsion transmission unit, so yes, I took an L there lol BTW I rode down Hillside during the PM rush and only saw three QV Old Gen hybrids.
  3. An defective R142A car from a few weeks ago, no idea what's wrong with this car. The strip map and both electronic displays in the celling are messed up.
  4. SMH none of the buses on the B42 are tracking, neither on the MTA website nor the bus time app I use. Had to walk in this hot, humid weather to the train cause I had no idea if any buses was running on the B42 at the moment. When I finally get to the train station, I see one B42 at the stop with a whole bunch of people waiting there. That one bus I saw on the B42 is not tracking. Usually on weekends the B42 uses 2-3 buses.
  5. I seen this service disruption a couple days ago, I didn't know it was an common thing.
  6. Someone suggested cutting the to send more R160s to CI on the last page, try and follow the sub thread...
  7. CI inspectors ARE capable of maintaining the R46s, the R46s would be a lot worse if they wasn't, nobody said they weren't capable of servicing them. The R46 is more labor intensive than a R160 to inspect/service so they aren't servicing them as good as they are capable of cause they don't wanna do the extra work I guess, who knows. Each barn in the system has a different culture with their shop forces. Some barns don't mind the old cars (207th barn liked the R32s for example) You are such a child, the MTA is criticized on here all the time and I don't defend them. I just think yall is wrong based on the info I've read on this topic. Those who agree with me can't do math.. you saying NYCT management doesn't know what they are doing in regards to car assignments? The main thing keeping them from making service most days is crew stortages, not subway car breakdowns. They are not gonna bring the R32s back or cut service because some R46 sets has some dead motors.
  8. Why should I listen to yall, none of you work in Car Equipment and nethier do I. Yall are not experts on railcar maintenance and most likely have no idea of what you're talking about. Contributors to this hobby who do know people in car equipment have said what I mentioned in my first post in this sub topic. I value their prospective over yall. The R32 need to come back/spare factor is low blah blah blah foamers are like anti vaxxers at this point, they may have a voice but that doesn't mean we should listen to them😆 Just be glad the R46 takes you from point A to Point B. They may have dead motors but the cars still get you to your destination. Also last I checked subway car breakdowns are a drop in the bucket compared to other issues, from checking the subway performance dashboard.
  9. I mentioned the 17 in my OP and I been on the 4C twice, once on those old MCIs and once on the Orion. Left out the 4C cause it's an Express bus route while the others are pretty much local when their not on the highway. 75 and 91 I never knew they existed.
  10. Rode the northern half on the 40 and the entire 43 today. Love how rural Westchester is once you go north of White Plains. Roads with no sidewalks, no street lights, etc. 43 ride was great, only disappointment was my bus was an transit Orion V and not an Suburban one. That highway run is very scenic, at one point theres an lake between the two highway roads. I've ridden every highway Bee line route (3, 43 and 62) except for the 1X and 17.
  11. Well duh of course they had multiple car classes before the 160s those were SMEE fleets, not NTT. Before the R160s, they didn't know of the NTT luxuries prior to the R160s coming there as the R160s is the first NTT fleet they ever had. 160s was the dominant fleet at CI for like a decade before they took them out and got a bunch of old R46s in return. Couple that with the fact that the R46s are retiring soon you have the situation with the CI R46s. Where did I blame Jamaica? Running the R46 24/7 is not an issue, if they ran R32/42s 24/7 on the and without much issue then they can run R46s 24/7 on the CI lines.
  12. I noticed the SMEE's assigned to CI yard (R46 and R68/68A) are MUCH louder than their counterparts assigned to Pikin (R46) and Concourse (R68). When a CI SMEE pulls into a station it literally sounds like an earthquake is happening, while and line SMEEs are much more quieter and normal sounding. I heard that when the Jamaica - CI swap first happened, CI barn shop forces were NOT happy about the swap as basically it requires more work to inspect an R46 vs the R160s. In other words, it made CI car inspector jobs harder. Which leads me to believe the reason the CI SMEE's have the naggy little problems they have is because they are simply not maintaining them as well as they are capable of, While Concourse and Pikin still maintains their SMEE fleets really well hence why you never see any issues with them. This theory is much more believable IMO than that theories of "low spare factor" and "they run 24/7" and bringing the R32s back wouldn't solve a thing. I've heard this from two different people.
  13. Funny how the D60HF was bought up today, turns out Minnesota still operates D60s! A fanner I'm subscribed to uploaded this video today, this unit is from 2003, crazy how they outlasted the NYC units. Different engines though, ours had DD50, there's have Cummins ISM.
  14. Transit museum... They have a whole collection of vintage buses stored at Amsterdam depot (not open to the public).
  15. Most D60s have been scrapped in the spring of 2019. Their might be a random unit still around being held for the museum but I haven't heard about that bus in a while.
  16. Three Meredith Express buses are stuck at a RR crossing in SI next to West Shore Plaza, was fanning the S46 and now this freight train came to a complete stop right on the RR Crossing SMH. Never thought I'd see this type of delay in NYC of all places, didn't even know SI had railroad crossings!
  17. Yeah, last I heard LIRR/MN/Amtrak are getting a joint order of dual mode chargers.
  18. The 77 is operated by Community Coach, you gotta go to another website to find the 77 schedule. I'm somewhat familiar with that route since I wanted to ride it to Livingston Mall, but after covid the schedule got reduced to rush hour, peak direction only.
  19. They can afford New Flyers, they already have quite a few XDE artics and plan to purchase XDE40 local buses. They could get single door suburban XDE40s, I'd love to see an LF suburban bus in the NY Tri State area.
  20. Question for causal express bus riders... when waiting at an bus stop with "regulars" do these regulars ask are you waiting for the Express bus route that stops at that stop? This happened to me from time to time at SC and Ulmer Park Express bus stops over the years. Always thought that was odd as that rarely happens with the local bus, not sure if their trying to be friendly or what.
  21. Probably driver training, I once seen an CS Orion V park across the street from Hempstead transit center.
  22. I wonder if they will even bother getting replacements for the Suburban Orions and just use regular transit buses on the 4C. That would be a throwback to the PBL days in the 5 boros when they regularly ran hard seaters on express routes (this is well documented though photos). They can't replace them with MCI or Prevosts as Bee Line simply can't afford to buy OTR coaches, that's why they got suburban Orions in the first place. As for Express bus regulars not wanting casuals on their bus, that's definitely a thing lol. Especially on Brooklyn and Queens expresses, SI and BX is more causal friendly for lack of an better term. Just my experience. Its corny to be so snobbish over a form of public transportation but it is what is. Its still riding the bus, a person with a 20 year old Honda Accord is still higher tier of transportation than riding a brand new coach bus.
  23. Did 5601 come from Gun Hill? I Rode this bus on the M23 and man that bus is dusty. Easily the worst Artic I been on out of Quill since they swapped Novas with CS a few years ago. It had dirty windows like Bronx Nova artics do. Usually Quill buses are very clean, even the M60 assigned units weren't as ragged as 5601 is, bus also rattled in the engine area while the bus was in motion.
  24. Yes, but termiaining trains at Whitehall gives riders additional service to the Ferry. It's bad enough SI residents have to ride that stupid orange boat just to travel to and from Manhattan, let's not add to Staten Island commuters misery by cutting service to Whitehall.
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