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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. All those "official" tags surrounding this thread reminds me of when B/Os in Brooklyn would put a whole bunch of limited signs in front of the bus lol. Most had one or two but I remember B6s with a excess amount of them. Sometimes they had limited AND green express signs in front of the bus!
  2. The oldest 60FT SMEE (R10) in the same consist as the newest 60FT SMEE (R42) . I heard when the R42s made their revenue service debut, it was only one pair while the rest of the consist was other car types. In the IRT cars were assigned by propulsion, West Side was GE while the East Side was Westinghouse (or it made have been the other way around, I forget). That could have minimized the bucking. Not sure how they did things in the B div back then as I never seen that discussed. I know the R30 contract had both GE and Westinghouse cars IIRC.
  3. If anybody is wondering, the Holiday train is NOT running this year, the Transit Museum confirmed it. You can still view the Arnies as an static display at the museum itself though.
  4. 1567 was on the reverse peak SIM1C this afternoon.
  5. Speaking of express bus equipment, MTA used surbuban seated transit buses on express routes for decades until they switched over to MCI in the late 90s. Anyone know what caused the MTA to switch to OTR coaches?
  6. There's an SBS XD40 (7679) on the B82 today even though its a weekend schedule.
  7. Yea, this is a VERY popular ridership trend on the . I assume these are mainly people employed in Midtown. At Suphin Blvd during the PM Rush you see all the people doing down from the (E) line level to the (J) line level to transfer.
  8. Yeah, In my high school years (06 -10) I use to go out of my way to fan B103 on fridays, I loved that nonstop portion, it was unique for an NYC local bus route to have such an long nonstop portion, unlike the Q53 under Triboro the 103 nonstop portion made sense as it ridership base was Flatbush & Canarsie residents trying to travel to Downtown BK. I will say that B103 park slope stop under the train stop was clutch when I bought something out of the nearby Lowe's and didn't feel like taking the train home lol. Those MCI classics were underrated, only transit bus I been on that can match the comfort of OTR coaches.
  9. I ride the somewhat regularly and from personal observation, yes a lot of people on the transfer at Broadway Junction to other lines, especially coming to and from Queens. The has high turnover at Broadway Junction. SRO trains are common over the bridge during the week, happens from time to time on weekends too. Lots of people get off at Marcy Ave on the coming from Manhattan. And Midtown is more popular than Lower Manhattan *south of Canal street*. This is why many people were happy the train got rerouted there! The eastern Div is setup perfectly now with one service serving Lower Manhattan and the other serving Midtown. Nassau street is beneficial, it may not be as busy as the or lines but it has its purpose.
  10. The Q53 and the B103 are the biggest success stories of MTA Bus IMO. The Q53 was like nonstop from Queens Blvd to the Rockaways under Triboro, and the B103 was non existent under Command. I legit can't recall ever seeing a B103 when Command was running it, today? It seems like it runs as frequent as the B6! I remember seeing Command CNG RTS on the BMs though. I don't like the hand me down trend at MTA Bus ethier, it would be nice if the TA gave MTA Bus one big or split order to wipeout ALL Orions from MTA Bus sooner rather than later. Random, but I do like that MTA Bus has a high profile route like the Q70, if the takeover never happened this route would have probably ran out of CS or something.
  11. This might be really old news, but this is dated November 17th 2021 and I didn't see this posted so... Confirmed NICE will be getting XE40s, I found this by mistake as I was looking for pics of New Flyer's factory in Minnesota lol.
  12. In the auto industry Dodge is discounting the Hellcat in 2023 and replacing it with an all electric car. Now auto enthusiasts know how busfans must have felt in the mid 2000s when those two stoke engine RTS from the 80s was replaced by OG Hybrids! I rode those old Series 92 powered RTS plenty of times but cause of lack of internet access back then I had no concept of buses lifespan and just assumed the MTA would buying RTS's forever, sort of like how all school buses seem to have the basic design (this was in the early 2000s pre Orion hybrid takeover of Brooklyn when I thought this). By the time I had regular internet access and found sites like this one, the Series 92 powered RTS were long gone so I never got a proper last ride, oh well.
  13. There's also a 9500 Cuomo wrap R160 on the (N) right now! Took a couple of pics, will post when I get home.
  14. was usually 100% R32 cause they have better dwell times than the R46. was a mix of R46s and R32s, it had more R46s it was like an 70/30 split in flavor of the R46. They ran R32s on the as well but they wasn't as common as they were on the E/F lines.
  15. I too, wish they used Belmont station rather than build a new station along the mainline. I think they built a new station cause trains can travel to and from it faster vs Belmont which is slow to enter and leave like Atlantic Terminal is. To access points East on the mainline from Belmont trains gotta use a U shaped track which I imagine trains gotta travel very slowly to do so.
  16. I know, when I rode over the bridge Broadway service already restored, I seen N/Q trains traveling over the bridge.
  17. Manthattan Bridge situation is cleared up, just rode an (B) train over the bridge... that was quick.
  18. ^^^^ Was just about to post those, not a good afternoon on the Broadway BMT..
  19. Yea I remember, IIRC those 4200s was replaced what was left of the TMC RTSs at Flatbush. 3900 - 3959 was still at Flatbush at the time until they got 4580 - 4629 to push them to Manhattan.
  20. I wonder why they built this new arena after renovating the Nassau Coliseum. IMO they should have outright tore down the Coliseum and built a brand new arena it its place, I don't like the location of this arena.
  21. Only the local short turns at McDonald Ave while the Limited runs the full route. Similar to how B6 locals short turn at Rock Park station or CI Ave. My guess is it makes the locals more reliable.
  22. Got NF Hybrid 9522 on the B17 today! As soon as I saw that was the next bus up on bus time had me like
  23. Wow, THREE trips on SIR cancelled during the PM Rush due to trains with mechanical problems. Anyway, first time I see them post something like this for any MTA railroad on their various twitter pages. I've been lurking the twitter pages when R142s crap out at Flatbush terminal messing things up but they never post the specific run or runs that got canceled. With the MTA commuter railroads I've seen plenty DELAYED leaving a terminal due to an mechanical problem but never an outright cancelation. Then again the MTA commuter railroads barely have any "old" cars. Not complaining just an observation.
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