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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. A whole LOT of the new Novas are already built at the Nova plant upstate.... The buses facing the camera seem to be mostly Diesels with some hybrids sprinkled in there.
  2. Theres an R68A being used in an movie shoot at Hoyt, saw it from an N/B train.
  3. I rode an Gillig on the N22 yesterday and the bus is still very solid, these NICE Gilligs and the MTA C40s might be the best built buses in the Tri State right now. While in Westchester those Bee Line XDE40s are rattle traps and Bee Lines maintenance is excellent. I can't recall ever riding a Bee Line Neoplan that rattled. Still like New Flyer buses more but I gotta give Gillig their props lol.
  4. I hope the line gets the R211s first. Have the pliot set do its 30 day test on the and as the production set R211s come in bump R68s to CI to replace the R46s there. Once the has enough R211s, send the second batch to Pikin to replace the R46s assigned there. Also does anybody know if the pilot open gangway sets will have to do an year of testing or will the process go Delivery - Burn in testing - Revenue service?
  5. Wow, I found this gem of a video on my youtube subscriptions... Orion V CNG at MTV! Triboro Coach Fishbowl at MTV! And all sorts of RTS's, video was an bus fantrip taken in 1999 with depot tours of MTV, Triboro Coach (Today's LGA) and Queens Surface (today's CP). Tour was done by an busfan group. Its about an half hour long
  6. Whoa! First CT Transit and now Bee Line.. I wonder if the BXM4C will be free as well, making the 4C free might give the route an much needed ridership boost considering people will still have to pay for Metro North
  7. Got my answer, those white things are called resistors. All kinds of trains have them, just the ones on NYCT SMEEs have that distinct look.
  8. Am I the only one who has been wondering for years what this white equipment is under the SMEE cars? https://www.nycsubway.org/perl/show?98747 The R46 is the only remaining car class that still uses whatever that gear is. R62s had it when new but they don't anymore.
  9. Today at High street I seen an R179 in the station where one car had all of its lights shut off while the rest of the train had all its lights turned on. It was on the N/B track while I saw it on an S/B train. Seen on twitter an train was removed from service due to mechanical problem at High Street around the time I passed though there, wonder what happened to that particular train that caused a single car to lose its lights.
  10. MTA plans to stop buying diesel buses by 2028
  11. Their website (both desktop and mobile) looks very low budget compared to the MTA and NJT sites, trash app (which you can't use for fare payment). Septa Key being confusing for tourists, etc.
  12. NJT has their problems but at least their not Septa lol.
  13. With all due respect your N59 idea is crazy. I seriously doubt NICE is interested is operating to Co OP City, WAY too far out of their service area. Also the runtime on such a route would be what, two hours? If someone wants to go to Co OP city from Mineola they can take LIRR to Grand Central (when ESA opens) to the 6 train - BX23 or Bxm7. NICE is a Nassau County bus system, that's their main focus and service area.
  14. Surprised theres still RTS on NJT property, they have been retired since what, 2015? Watching the video on the news the buses burnt to a crisp looked like RTSs to me, thanks for confirming this.
  15. Is your trip plan 319 to AC, ACL to Riverline to NJT NEC? I did that trip not too long ago.
  16. I can't believe they are seriously considering this, this seems like a pipe dream at best. 472 stations with most having multiple entrances, who would monitor all these metal detectors at these various stations?
  17. The 62s and 68s are stainless steel so it's highly unlikely they will fall apart, just keep SMSing them when needed. With the cars the R142s and R160s replaced it was mainly the body of the cars that were falling apart due to acid baths to wash off graffiti. If the R32 & R42 can run for 50 years then so can the R62s & R68s. I honestly think the R38s, R40s and R44s could have ran until 50 as well if they didn't have body problems. The R38s were single handedly holding down the fort on the late in their service lifes while the R160 order was ongoing. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't replace the Franklin Shuttle cars at all, just simply keep them in service after the mainline 68s are retired. The Franklin shuttle could be NYC version of that old trolley line in Boston that still uses PCCs.
  18. The doors on the SIR R44s are not locked because there's no sharp curves on SIR.
  19. Its gonna take several years to phase out just the R46s.... need 940 R211s to replace all the R46s and they are all being built by one manufacturer which will take longer, it even took several years to complete the R142 & R160 orders and those orders were split up between different manufacturers.
  20. Surprised they are doing this after coming out with an app for fare payment. This farecard would have been clutch in the days before the app existed when it came to busfanning, as prior to the app, riding multiple NJT Bus routes in one day was very difficult due to the complex fare structure of NJT bus network.
  21. Link to rest of article: https://www.njtransit.com/press-releases/nj-transit-advances-fare-modernization-program-0?fbclid=IwAR2Uj_xn8zr51JF8m4s9YiupVzDzWJ5kDNGTTNo1X_2xtlLU3EE2f74ZIaQ
  22. This would have happened regardless of era, buffs fanned the 9/11 subway service changes and that event was 1000 times worse. Am I the only one who doesn't see the harm in filming this shuttle bus event? I could understand not riding the buses and taking up space from hard working commuters but what's the harm in taking photos and videos? Of course there's photos of the various subway car wrecks over the years taken by buffs. BTW I did not fan this 4th Ave shuttle bus.
  23. Mayor office twitter page tweeted a really bizzare tweet of an basic video of an R62A train pulling into parkchester with the text "Greatest city in the world".
  24. On Youtube a certain someone is having a meltdown over a missing run and saying the MTA needs to come back.... when the MTA currently has missing runs problem of its own due to an driver shortage. If the MTA still ran the Nassau County bus system the missing run problem would most likely still be there.
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