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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. So I'm supposed take your word for it, a random rider that the R46 are just as bad as the R32s over FACTUAL MDBF stats? You may believe that the R46s are as bad as the 32s, you're entitled to your opinion, but that's just what you think, that doesn't make it true. The ones at Pikin are fine, it's only MINOR issues with the CI units. These anti R46s posts are just railfans being over dramatic. The cars are still providing reliable service considering their age and the lines they run on. The SI R44s are in progress of being SMS, I'm sure CI overhaul shop has an band aid solution to keep the SI R44s road worthy until 2024.
  2. Page 45 of this MTA PDF file has a rendering of the new Metro North Locomotives, looks nice! Sadly no renderings for LIRR even though they plan to purchase the same locomotives to replace DE/DM30s. https://new.mta.info/document/89781
  3. The R32s were worst mechanically than the R46 at the time of the R32s retirement. The R46 MDBF still hasn't dipped to as low as to what the R32 MDBF was...
  4. According to an MTA document posted elsewhere, the R211 might not hit revenue service until the fall TA is budgeting to extend the R46 fleet service life The pilot set testing phase being extended a couple months must mean they having a lot of teething issues. I'm sure they will be sorted out and the cars will be fine in the long run. Also why does the SI R211s need to test for a year after the R211A already tested for a year+? Other than the cab signals isn't it pretty much the same car?
  5. I wasn't implying that was the reason. I posted that cause of my selfish busfan reasons Outside of Queens boarding routes with heavy ridership at the first stop is chaotic.
  6. I checked the MTA website today and they have an notice up that the Bronx redesign starts this sunday.. I'm bummed about this as I thought it was happening way off into the future, not this sunday. Hate how they took M100 and BX15 off of 125th street, two of my favorite routes uptown because ridership was light at the terminals and easy to get an seat and now those routes will get slammed at their southern terminals. I do like the BX30 change however, it seems like the gets to Pelham Parkway faster than the gets to 205th street so personally that change benefits me lol
  7. Wasn't 9075 a ML redbird and not one of the cars that ran on the ? I don't think this particular car ever took people to the world fair back in the day. If this car gets scrapped, no loss. There's plenty of Redbirds saved. Also if that is an R33ML redbird it's an married pair so it's pretty much useless without its mate if one wanted to make it operational
  8. The balancing speed for NYCT subway cars in 45 MPH, MTA local buses are capped at around 40 (Staten Island is higher) the express buses is 58.. Fun fact, the subway doesn't have a speed limit on straight track with no timers or posted limits.
  9. I finally got to ride the train to Port Jeff on Friday, 1:46 out of Jamaica. There was an railfan filming the train leaving Jamaica and some filming at Queens Village, anybody here? Was a pretty nice ride, great way to spend an summer afternoon in the A/C since it was hot and humid on Friday and I hate the heat. Sadly the waiting room at port jeff was closed so I had to wait outside for the W/B train back to Jamaica. There was only one bench on the platform inside an shelter but someone was smoking in there. It was slightly cooler in Port Jeff compared to the city while humid, it was somewhat tolerable. The W/B run was really busy and connecting train to Penn at Jamaica was crowded like an subway train. Next up is riding to Speonk and then I can say I ridden all the commuter limits of the LIRR system. Probably will never ride out to Montauk or Greenport.
  10. A bunch of engineers called out sick today. They did it to prove a point, there was an article explaining why NJT engineers called out today but I can't find it.
  11. While waiting for the train right now these teenagers jumped another teenager on the Manhattan bound platform, they was stomping on his head which is dangerous. The poor kid was dazed and incoherent after they was finished. Crazy that this type of stuff happens in a station with a police station in it.
  12. Yes, service on New Haven Line is planned to NYP, they will also build new Metro North stations in The Bronx on the route between New Rochelle and Penn station. https://new.mta.info/project/penn-station-access
  13. RIP to the man, horrible way to go out. His family will get an nice amount of money in the lawsuit against the MTA.
  14. https://abc7ny.com/subway-death-man-dragged-stuck-in-door-midwood/11965149/
  15. Just checked, theres an 8:34 and an 9:45 departures out of Port Jeff W/B, don't know how I missed those runs when planning my trip a couple days ago lol.
  16. Your question is kind of confusing.. If your asking if they will have enough trains, they will bring the M3s back into service until there's enough M9s to replace them.
  17. For those of you who think the MTA is bad, just look at all the issues MBTA has https://wnyt.com/news/federal-transit-agency-orders-improvements-to-boston-system/6500869/?utm_medium=onsite&utm_source=zetaglobal&utm_campaign=thumbnails
  18. 3920 is on the M42 rn, didn't know quill still had NGs.
  19. Today I planned to fan the Port Jefferson line, only it rode once E/B to do an PJ - Suffolk Transit - KO fantrip which was well over an decade ago. My train arrived at Sutphin Blvd at 1:30 which would have been in time for the 1:46 Port Jeff departure from Jamaica HOWEVER, I didn't eat lunch yet and was going to Kennedy Fried on Sutphin and by the time they would have prepared the food I could have missed the train so I aborted the fan trip and decided to give it another go tomorrow. 1:46 is the latest train you can take to port jeff for an round trip and get back at an reasonable hour, W/B leaves Port Jeff at around 3:30 - 4PM and the next departure isn't until 11PM at night! I could have gotten lunch in Port Jeff but its hard to judge how far the restaurants are from the train station on google maps. The closest restaurants was an Jamaican takeout restaurant and Ihop. Would have been to risky to venture to one of those restaurants and come back to the station in time.
  20. I seen an photo of an R143 HVAC unit inside an R160, the unit was functional with the information display working. Nice to know that some parts are interchangeable between some of the NTT fleets like with the SMEE fleets.
  21. 4832 got road called on the B42 this evening. Saw it OOS at a bus stop with the hood up and the maintenance truck behind it. Crazy after all these years riding buses I never been on an bus that broke down due to powertrain issues, only kneel issues (RTS) and door problems (Nova artic). In the case of the kneel issue with the RTS the bus wasn't even removed from service, everybody had to get off cause the bus couldn't kneel back up with the passengers weight. once everybody got off the bus kneeled back up and everybody got back on and we went on our way.
  22. I rode though there this evening and noticed the same thing. Wonder what the cause is.
  23. The Track Geometry Car is on the line right now, didn't know they were CBTC equipped.
  24. *puts on tinfoil hat* perhaps the Jeresy Shore residents forced NJT to cancel those runs to make it harder for residents from certain North Jersey cities to get to Jersey Shore designations, etc. On the news a couple weeks ago there was damn near a riot in Long Branch and for some odd reason the media pointed out that most of the people that was there took NJ Transit there from points north. Also since that incident NJCL runs don't show up on google departure anymore which is interesting timing I must say.. I don't think Jersey Shore residents want certain North Jersey residents in their town... so make the service trash to get down there. Just my conspiracy theory lol
  25. I have a feeling whatever railfan that said that is simply lying. I've gotten tricked by lying foamers before. I remember when the NG bus order first started someone said Castelton depot had a bunch of them, long story short I go to CAS depot in hopes of catching a glimpse of the new NG buses and not ONE NG bus was there The Prevost demo bus was there which I didn't expect so the trip wasn't an complete waste lol. Also literally every somewhat rare movement in the subway is documented on video these days and yet there's no footage of these R160 trains testing
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