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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2022/07/26/mta-looks-to-find-space-for-buses-during-nyc-depot-closure/amp/
  2. Keep the (Z). I used to commute to school during the times skip stop was in operation in 2005 and it was an time saver. No need to tinker with J/Z service.
  3. Why do B/Os open the rear door at the first stop on local lines in the BX, thus making it easier for people to farebeat? These farebeaters be expecting the op to open to rear door at the first stop too so it must be common practice there. Pending how busy the first stop is you could actually get punished by paying cause all the fare beaters will take all the good seats before a fare paying customer can board.
  4. The two pilot R142 sets is hooked up and on the right now. 6301 & 6306 is at the C/R position. These two R142 sets were the first ones delivered.
  5. I rode 7890? on the B15 today, wasn't even looking for it. Was planning to take the B47 when I walked past the bus. Looked at the railing on the roof extending the entire length of the bus, first I thought it was an hybrid, then I saw the numbers 7890 and said to myself, whoa, that's one of the new XD40 diesel buses!!!! Of course I rode it, nice bus but weak A/C. I expected my first ride on these units to be on ethier the B17 or B42, not the B15.
  6. If you think NYCT is bad, an old MBTA subway train caught fire on an bridge, a rider jumped off the train into the river below! IIRC the Orange line new cars are delayed for some reason. I rode those old Orange line subway cars in dec 2020, they make the 2022 R46s look like an Maybach in comparison.
  7. Those Brooklyn shuttles will run on 15 minute headways... not exactly a light workload. Also those LIRR M3s got a mechanical overhaul so they shouldn't be as beat up as were when they last was in service. In the "M7 era" it was very rare to see M3s in service in the masses outside of rush hour. There would be like two to three sets in service off peak/weekends at most. I would imagine the M3 usage would be mainly rush hour runs to and from NYP when they come back.
  8. Running full length trains on the weekends would require an C/R which would cost more money. Perhaps the TA thinks the 4 car trains are sufficient on the weekends. From personal observation of those weekend trains, they aren't exactly bursting at the stems with riders despite the shortened trains.
  9. LIRR confirmed their coming back https://www.newsday.com/amp/long-island/transportation/lirr-m3-train-cars-m9-ygpbfp8a
  10. MTA doesn't do mid life overhauls anymore, SMS every six years replaced that. Most of the R143 cars are fine that I been on... is my home line so I ride them a lot but this particular car stood out.
  11. R143 car 8111 is beat up as hell, one cut out door on each side of the car and a panel one end of the car is hanging down. R143s are a pretty good fleet IMO but the poor state of 8111 stood out lol. I'm sure ENY will fix it up once its due for inspection.
  12. Probably after the disaster of having Command 4904, the TM probably wants nothing to do with alternative fuels or alternative powertrain buses in their collection. Maintaining the battery after the technology is obsolete would be challenging I'd imagine. Yea they have the Orion 6 hybrid in their collection but I heard it needs parts... and that bus is not that old.
  13. I thought about suggesting this, but if safety is one of the reasons OP avoids the subway then taking this route might not be the best idea late at night..
  14. BMs to the B67/B69 seems like the easiest option, however I don't know what the headways are for those local routes towards downtown BK that time of night. OP could also stay on the BMs for a few more stops and transfer to the B103 at Chruch Ave/Ocean Parkway. He could also take the Ulmer Park Express bus to Bay Ridge (forgot the number) to the B37 and backtrack.
  15. Cause an 2 car R68 pair could gap out on the mainline, hence the 4 car R68 hooking up to the FS set to take it to CI yard.
  16. They probably wanted maximum seating capacity. I don't think Fairview riders would appreciate having to stand on busy runs out of PABT. It's bad enough they got their suburban Neoplans replaced with hard seat buses and now you wanna reduce seating too!?! I have no idea why NJT spec'd their artics with two doors I'm just guessing lol
  17. The R62 and R68A have horrible brakes and well..... From I've gathered over the years, it's funny how the worst braking SMEE fleets in each division were made by Kawasaki (R62 and R68A) . The R143 & R160s are alright from what I understand, as long as the rails are dry, performance goes downhill in the rain & snow. In all fairness the R179 made by Bombardier of course by have the same problems in wet weather as the Kawasaki built NTT from what I heard. It's crazy how NYCT engineering or whoever's is responsible for designing the trains can't get none of the NTT car classes to have decent braking in inclement weather. Since you mention that the brakes are horrible I'm assuming the crappy performance on wet rails is a problem on the R211 just like it is with the previous NTT fleets. Ethier way if it's an safety issue I'm sure it will be corrected. Brand new SMEE fleets are before my time so I was only around for R142 and newer and railfans panicked at the slightest hiccups/teething issues in the testing process, some even celebrated as it meant the old stuff would be sticking around longer lol.
  18. Earlier I had "America's Got Talent" on in the background when I was doing something else and they had showtime dancers from the NY Subway on there I have heard some of them showtime dancers in real life say before they do their routine "you can find me on America's got talent" but I've heard multiple different ST dancers say that, I thought they was lying to get ppl attention but it turns out its true for at least some of them lol
  19. I paid 16 dollars at Popeyes for a 3pc tenders with two sides and NO drink recently.. price of that combination went up like four dollars within a couple of years. Chicken over Rice cart went up as well. You'd be hard pressed to get an decent chain fast food meal less than 9 to 10 dollars these days. 5 dollar biggie bag from Wendy's is still an good deal though. A bagel is still clutch for lunch, around 4 dollars and its filling if they stuff the bagel with cream cheese. Some pizza shops offer two slices with a free soda for around 7 bucks.
  20. I'm pretty sure the neighborhoods south of midtown along the 6th Ave routes in Manhattan have higher incomes on average than Astoria (except for maybe Chinatown.. served by Grand Street on the B/D). I don't think the "MTA favors to wealthy people" argument can really be applied to the subway as many subway routes serve both wealthy and lower income neighborhoods.
  21. Kawasaki having high turnover at their Lincoln NE plant, plant is in the middle of bumblefukk nowhere, that plant is probably the highlight of that town Surprised it has high turnover considering that town probably doesn't have many options for decent employment. "Anti work" Reddit must be popular in Lincoln, NE or something.
  22. Does anybody know what's causing the delay in the XD40 order? FP got six of them a few weeks ago then...... nothing.
  23. What is with these 40FT Novas having crappy A/C? Rode two of them today, one of them a brand new 8800 that still had the new bus smell, had weak A/C. Transfered to an 2014/2015 Nova and that bus had weak A/C as well. They got it right with the Cuomo scheme Nova artics which have good A/C, it's just the 40FT Novas (all batches) where the A/C is weak. New Flyer certainly got Nova beat in the A/C department.
  24. Trains break down sometimes, I did NOT say they didn't break down at all. Corona maintained the R62A well when they had them and one got an brake pipe rupture and got stuck in the under water tube, things happen. So if I posted a video of an R160 with some random mechanical problem you would think the entire fleet is falling apart? I seen a railfan on youtube claim that Pikin maintains the R179 poorly cause of a few messed up pixels in the FIND, just absurd.
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