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Everything posted by trainfan22

  1. Can't wait to see what they do with the BM1-4 and B103.
  2. Am I the only one who is confused about the M3 ban from ESA? IIRC if there was no delays in regards to this project, M1s would have been servicing ESA which I would imagine has the same propulsion system as the M3. One reason I heard they banned M3s from ESA is they don't trust the cars to be able to climb an incline with a rush hour load. Then how would the M1s go there then? The original rendering has the M1 displayed..... Also going into Nostrand Ave Eastbound coming from Atlantic Terminal has an steep incline and M3s climb it just fine as far as I know.
  3. Starting next weekend the TOMC will run express on the local track. Always thought having these old cars making all those stops was an bad idea cause of increased chance of door problems. Will suck when the train catches up to a regular train and will have to crawl behind it, that is annoying as hell regardless of equipment.
  4. Had an great R46 coming home on the tonight, train flew into Nostrand S/B didn't start breaking until the the first car was in station limits and still stopped the train smoothly at the 10 car marker. Thought for sure the T/O was gonna overrun that stop but he didn't lol. T/O didn't brake at Frankin ethier which a lot of A line T/O's do. Did the same thing coming into 42nd Street S/B which is also a fast station due to the hill dipping down prior to the platform.
  5. Oh my this video......... What a L to be a dude and get dragged off the train by a bunch of women. This is the first time ever I seen a group of female cops get physical with some random perp, usually the male cops handle that stuff if they can help it. For that railfan sake I hope this doesn't go viral outside of the transit community. He assaulted an transit employee? I'm surprised they didn't take the train out of service off of that alone. LOL at the TA employee telling those loud foamers to calm down or the train would be taking OOS, sad that he had to say that in the first place.
  6. The holiday train is so popular that every car is usually crowded like a rush hour train. I couldn't even ride the R32 last year cause every car was filled to capacity.
  7. The TA plans to use A.I tech to prevent breakdowns on buses. My source... https://gothamist.com/news/mta-to-use-artificial-intelligence-tech-to-keep-buses-from-breaking-down
  8. Rector Street doesn't have an mezzanine so no free crossover the N/B platform IIRC. I guess that could have ended at the WTC since that stop DOES have an free crossover.
  9. Of course railfans should be allowed to work for the TA. I'd say most of them aren't stealing stuff and do a good job.
  10. I heard the three Arines on display in the TM need to be repainted and inspected, they have to use all operational Arines for the holiday runs for capacity reasons. There's only like six Arnines stored in the yard and that's not enough cars to handle the crowds.
  11. The rumor going around internet railfan circles is that Grand Central Madison will open on Dec 5th, next Monday, a little over a week from now.
  12. Who keep stealing the rollsigns on the B div cars? If the R211 had rollsigns they could easily nab who keeps stealing the signs due to cameras in the cab. People be stealing builder plates and car ID number plates off of museum cars, etc. NYPD probably don't care cause they have bigger fish to fry than some foamer nonsense. And I don't blame them. This might get me a lot of slack but I think it's an railfan employee or employees stealing the signs. Foamers can easily pass the exam and get an TA job like anyone else. Just because an buff work for the MTA doesn't mean your overzealous love for transit goes away, JMO.
  13. ALL IRT service in Brooklyn is suspended right now ethier due to an ceiling collapse at Bergen Street or debris on the tracks.
  14. If they are truly there for storage, they could put a "Do not scrap" paper in the windshield of the museum buses. They do this for subway cars set aside for the museum. 1201 and 275 are museum buses that aren't at ECH but is usually stored at AMS. Wonder where those units are.
  15. Today I did my annual tradition of riding the up to Wakefield, caught an nice sunset on the S/B trip. Riding the train on the EL's during sunset is such an underrated experience....
  16. According to this post on subchat, these MUSEUM buses are in the scrap lot http://www.subchat.com/buschat/read.asp?Id=346563 Are they there getting prepped for hoilday runs or are they scrap? AMS depot getting worked on and they are temporarily moved there?
  17. lol 137th doesn't have a free crossover, you gotta pay again to go over to the other side at that station. Ppl are gonna have to go the other side at 125th. I'm so happy they are using my favorite subway cars for the hoilday nostalgia rides! Surprised they choose a local route and terminate at 137th rather than 96th (and relay at 103rd middle).
  18. So they must be single tracking between Wall Street and Fulton Street.
  19. IIRC, the museum fleet is worked on by volunteers who aren't employed by NYCT, in NYCT maintenance shops. Heard that years ago. It's too bad the shore line trolley museum and the trolley museum in Maine is so far from NYC as I'm sure they use some young hands to work on the equipment at those places. As it is it's mostly older men who volunteer at those New England museums. They all have NYC Subway cars in their collection BTW.
  20. This dude is like the bus grim reaper, another bus pine rides has an mechanical problem Also around the 4 minute mark the B/O of the defective Orion says she doesn't like the Gilligs.. I wonder what's the most popular bus model for B/O's of NICE Bus? I've heard an NICE B/O say he doesn't like the Orions cause of the mirrors. Probably varies from op to op. Also LOL at the mechanic telling the op to drive the bus anyway with the messed up suspension but she didn't want to I wonder if such things happens at NYCT & MTA Bus? of course road calls happen with MTA buses I mean mechanics suggesting B/Os drive defective buses.
  21. I might be wrong about KB getting XE60s, can't find a source mentioning this, only 60 XE40s on order that have yet to be assigned to an depot. Don't know where I got XE60s to KB from, facepalm lol. I did see an XE60 in Washington Heights on Broadway a couple days ago NIS, don't know why an Quill bus would be that far north.
  22. Surprised GH got choosen for the hydrogen buses. Considering their New Flyers I thought they would go to a depot like Grand Ave or Quill. Well it's nice that New Flyers will be running on GH & KB routes again (KB is getting XE60s in the future IIRC).
  23. When the R142A was new, I heard they was so fast that they didn't register on the control board at RCC so they had to be slowed down. I'm sure the orginal programmed 142As can hit 70. I wouldn't be surprised once the SIR R211s hit service they could peak at 70 on those rush hour express runs. SIR is a little faster than NYCT, their rolling stock isn't nerfed like NYCT is.
  24. I read this several times over along with the post you quoted and is still confused.... Brighton Beach is railroad south of Sheepshead Bay, coming from Manthattan on the Brighton line, Sheepshead Bay is the stop before Brighton Beach.
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