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  1. I don’t know how this (mta) process goes but I understand how a process should work if that makes sense, you said “they”, try emailing them back with your first paystub you ever got to the current or last that meets the requirements and email every address that associates to MTA’s career or HR.
  2. I had some CS as well, did your position include behind the register work as well like money counting and anything to do with money especially if you were a shift lead or supervisor or do you have any criminal background of any sort regardless of how long ago on your record ?
  3. Just a hunch, I think they also look for a certain kind of employment first too even tho it doesn’t say it in the notice maybe I’m wrong.
  4. Can’t be true, I got 5 wrong and still got the email.
  5. Just look for 4605 under the train operator tests and below all of the 7604 from 2017.
  6. Look up mta answer keys, it’ll show all the proposed keys for all test, then you can do find in page and type train operator or just scroll all the way down and look for 4605 and the day you took it.
  7. The answer key has been posted even tho it does still says they are working on it. I got 5 questions wrong, is that bad ?
  8. Does anyone see the answer sheet out ? That website on the paper isn’t working and I don’t see a updated one on the other website.
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