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beanz last won the day on December 15 2022

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Train Operator

Train Operator (13/19)



  1. I'll never forget..I had TW for 4 months. I got a couple avas approved around my RDOs to make a mini break for myself and just relax for 4 days. Week of my mini-vacation suddenly RDOs became FS and f**ked my whole shit up. Ended up working Wed which should have been my day off and instead it was my 7th day in a row(I canceled the Monday AVA because it didn't make sense to use up a single day in th middle of it). That Wednesday, completely burnt out and looking forward to my TFS 3 day break, I overran a station 😂. Thanks screw office.
  2. They tell u in advance. U get a schedule of the whole training. Some days change here and there but not often in my experience. U will be traveling a lot. Some days u will go to yard A then yard B then yard A again. When I was in Schoolcar for B division I spent so much money on gas and tolls it was insane. So much time spent in traffic jams too.
  3. If I were u I wouldn't wait for that scheduled date if u already cleared the hold. Go to 130 with the documents and act like u didn't have an appointment and maybe they'll put u in that Feb 19 class.
  4. Stare the guy in the front in the eyes as u piss on the counter and then ask for a starting date 🤣
  5. "The old timers were mean they didn't let us watch TV unless we had a picked job and we had to pee sitting down"
  6. "In my day we had to wipe the windshield with our hands when it rained and u had to learn how to pull the break handle with your ass cheeks...don't tell me u have it rough whippersnapper"
  7. If everybody that was miserable resigned then there wouldnt be enough crews for service 😂
  8. Neck size is just 1 factor. If u have a big neck and are also obviously overweight then it will hold u up but if u have a thick neck and are in decent shape then it's not gonna be an issue depending on what u put on the questionnaire. I have a neck over 18 inches thick but I'm 6'3 and been losing weight so my BMI actually went down from my first physical and the neck size didn't get me restricted.
  9. Nah that depends...I know somebody who has less than 10 years and he's had weekends off for a couple years now. He first was able to get it during PMs and just a few picks ago he got it during AMs. He's in the B and he picks straight jobs. You might also be able to get weekends off sooner if u pick XL midnights or PMs or even the refuse train. As for a piece of the weekend I know somebody who just had SM which she picked and she has 5 years in. She lost it this upcoming pick but it's not impossible to be able to get a piece of it within 8 years.
  10. Lower your expectations people...the job pays great but it ain't gonna be all sweet 😂...if we had weekends off and flexible schedules the pay would drop drastically. I could have picked early AMs this pick and that would have been perfect for me I don't need weekends off as long as I'm working early AM and get to spend the evening at home with my kids. I may not have the schedule I want but I'm able to pick something that works for me right now. I'm 5 minutes from home and I work evenings so I can babysit my youngest during the day and save the insane amount of money I'd be paying for a daycare or babysitter. You can make it work for u too.
  11. It's just the things u mentioned plus the homeless really. A bad day is when the road blows up and u are basically in and out all day without any breaks and lose most of your lunch break but not enough of it to put in for the no lunch. If you on a line like the 1 and do 3 trips everyday, a bad day can feel really rough. Honestly sometimes I'm tired of the grind but I just remind myself that I'm not really doing anything crazy like construction outdoors in the middle of winter and I'm making more than most new college grads. Overall it's a very good job in my opinion but u gotta be ready for that first 3 to 5 years of shitty schedules.
  12. I used to also say "stop being negative" but u know what, tell it how u feel it. If somebody really wants this job, your posts won't matter to them. If somebody is undecided and doesn't really want it but is being pressured to do it and your posts makes them decide against it, good. They won't come down here and waste their time or anybody else's. Leave those spots for people who aren't so easily deterred by some hilarious honest reviews. Newsflash, all jobs suck. This one sucks extra hard on the bad days, but the money is great and the good days are great. Nothing like sitting on your ass for 8 hours for almost 40 an hour. And if u last long enough, in 20 years you might be able to pick a job where that's literally all u do. Sit on your ass for 8 hours getting out of having to do the one layup u are supposed to do becaus the dispatcher is your buddy. Then u can sit there sleeping on a chair while somebody who actually got his first drop in months has to do your layup because you are the "senior man". Or you'll get to have one of those jobs with a single trip and 3 hours of waa with a lunch break and just sit there on Facebook all day complaining about the complainers and pontificating about the job like you accomplished something when all u did is let time pass. Idk just me.
  13. Not too long ago..it's all on a case by case basis. You are better off going down to 130 Livingston and speaking to a union rep who can go over to the operations training office in the same floor and talk to them. I've always heard u can reinstate your name back on a list as long as it's active unless the agency specifically rejects your request which they would do if u were considered a liability, but I've seen someone reinstate his name after failing his practicals. It really just depends on who u talk to from operations training.
  14. I was from them open comp...idk if the poster said either way.
  15. It means from the date u are hired. U are in title as soon as u start. File number is seniority number, just another name for it.
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