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Everything posted by danielhg121

  1. Are the Iphones for the conductors still a thing? Heard it was supposed to start on the and update the conductors for delays and such/
  2. Hopefully, you mean 6362, the R142 car numbers start at 6301 and go up.
  3. That's a great idea! The color of the TBTA and State Trooper cars can match the colors of the bus. Jokes aside, I think it would help ticket some of the passengers that get a bit fussy with the Eagle Team and they end up walking away with no ticket. My parents bought up this point and I didn't really realize it myself till I saw it. I was on an s/b Q44-SBS and Eagle Team boarded at 20th Avenue, this one guy started yelling "This is f*cking bullshit! I had my ticket". He gets pulled off but some reason he gets back on the bus. One of the Eagle Team guys say "Sir, you can't ride the bus....", then we all wait for him to get off the bus. This took so long that another Q44-SBS ended up bypassing us, skipping inspection lol. Anyways, the guy gets off willingly throwing a temper tantrum and he walks away with no ticket or anything.
  4. Are the signs on the C40LF's a pilot phase or are they starting to retrofit them on all because I know they did it to one C40LF from SC. I was searching for 0016 during the mid-afternoon, what's it doing in NJ anyways? Saw it running in the AM rush, then it disappeared.
  5. WHich of the CP C40LF’s have the info screens?
  6. I thought most of the stops on Staten Island had a few passengers at most waiting unless it's a major terminal or transfer point. They can't possibly farebeat at St. George Term. and are we describing farebeating as people who board through the back and/or people who board thru the front and ask the bus op for a ride?
  7. Why does Staten Island have to be that extra? Must be quiet over there. That is true. Forgot about weekend SBS as well. I think it's painful on wkends having to make every single stop.
  8. Right, but wasn't there an article saying the Eagle Team would no longer do patrols on local lines and would only focus their efforts on SBS lines? However I feel in the Bx15's case, it already moves really quick, is their a better alternative that we can get everyone to pay their fare without having people farebeat? Installing machines and having people go and patrol is a waste of money especially when it's just getting people to change their habits.
  9. I was riding the Bx15 today, specifically the XN60 to West Harlem. The driver was amazing because he hauled ass and we got to Mott Haven in 25-30 minutes. The thing is though, he was operating as if it was SBS. He opened all the doors at every stop and fare-beating was rampant, to say the least. At least 65% of all the passengers on that trip entered through the back door, It wasn't the first time I was on a Bx15. The first time, on an Orion VII CNG with a slight bug infestation, it was a slow-boring trip, don't remember if it was wkend or weekday so idk if it was limited or not. So if we were to implement SBS on the Bx15, would we see more passengers along Third Avenue paying their fare or would they continue like business as usual?
  10. When they hit a curve or switch from track to track, the jolt one may experience when crossing the cars is enough to squish the person in between or knock them off the moving train. Also, the reason is that they're longer so the ends of the cars have to swing wider when crossing a switch leading to the ends closing in together. I think I'm missing a few points still, I know the question has been answered before on these forums and someone might have a little video or a better answer. Idk. LMAO.
  11. Anybody know if it’s in service today? Thinking bout checking it out. I know I’m a few months late. ;(
  12. It's more or less, free so to speak because it includes a free transfer to the subway and you can basically go anywhere in NYC with that. MTA prob feels it ain't cost-effective but most of the time people walk through the wide open gate at Canarsie station anyways so not like it makes it difference. LMAO!
  13. Makes sense because bus ops always waiting in the lot for buses to come back. Once they pull in, they pull right back out, so I can't imagine them seeing a lot of time in the shop. Even this guy I eavesdrop on the Q44 talking about his depot (WF) always talks about it being a depot lacking in maintenance and their always filled to the brim with runs.
  14. Do you know what happened with set 7801-7805/7706-7710? I saw that train a few days ago, heading to Kingsbridge Rd and it was fresh outta the yard using the track that leads out of Concourse Yd but it broke down. The train was waiting for lineup then accelerated a little and then lost power, that kept happening over and over. Eventually, the train operator went to the opposite end and accelerated it but then it lost power again as quickly as before. Then he went to one of the middle cars and did something, couldn't see what but when he went back to the 7710 end and accelerated it a little the train started accelerating normally. But by then, I walked away.
  15. Seems out of the blue. What problems are plaguing the buses from being preserved like the Fishbowls and such?
  16. Wow. That has to be some of the dumbest things I've heard in awhile but hey, that's your opinion.
  17. What's holding 6031 back? Is it coming in with something extra?
  18. Yea.....that is very odd, most if not all the time M15-SBS keeps artics on even during the worst of storms.
  19. Is it their first time manufacturing a B division fleet? If that's the case, just keep them on A division lol
  20. How does this work? Eagle Team stops all the Bx12 buses in either direction or both and pulls all the farebeaters off the bus, so the doors actually close on the first try. LMAO
  21. Cool! As a daily rider, there are a few things that really irk me about the line. Bunching, traffic, etc. It is an absolute god on Main St as you move away from the Downtown Flushing area.
  22. Second one. in the 2003 year at least. dunno if there were any before that. Perhaps it is a growing issue among D60's as they get older but that applies to any bus.
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