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Everything posted by danielhg121

  1. Is placing the horn button smack dab in the center of the console a good idea? I feel like the train operator would hit something they're not supposed to when reaching for it. I think it's better off to the side like in the 160's.
  2. Sorry about the wrong thread and thanks for answering my question. LOL I'm pretty sure we're not getting a quality product from Prevost this time either. The Prevosts from past orders have been breaking down left and right especially from shoddy maintenance from Ulmer Park and SI depots. Never got around to riding the double decker but I heard that bus was a beast doing 62-65 mph on the NJ turnpike.
  3. Even if the first 64 had problems, it would kinda be a PITA to locate all 64 as they’re in various mismatched sets after the renumbering and GOH was done? But I think the problem was way worse than just the first 64, inspectors probably found too many cars with cracks in the body especially after the acid baths they endured in the 80’s. If they were to reconfigure all the sets by taking the bad cars out and linking them in new sets with decent car bodies, would that have been a feasible solution? The R44 order wasn’t that many cars to begin with.
  4. Anyone know any info on why the demo express buses failed back in 2018? (Double decker and MCI D45 CRT) double decker I understand would have quite the restriction.
  5. And it still hasn't been renovated to look like the other stations. This prob played a role in shafting it for the renovations, they probably thought it's relatively new compared to the other stations on the line.
  6. Hopefully, we could get a sound clips or the final transmissions to RCC as the train pulled into 110-St. Hopefully, he said his goodbyes before he left. Truly lost a hero.
  7. I'm confused, was it the conductor or the T/O that died? There is conflicting information after rereading some of the first few pages and based on the video, the firefighters had trouble designating who was what. Anyone know what he was doing on the trackbed though? Seems peculiar to be down there. On a side note, on the Youtube video sent above, anyone else notice that 6370 had the cab door smashed? That may have been the vandal or the firefighter or even some passengers trying to get off the train amidst the panic.
  8. TBD, it's all speculation right now what exactly happens to that set. 6347 is burnt to a crisp tho.
  9. They should probably donate it for training somewhere, seems fitting for this tragedy.
  10. Does anyone know why R46 5622 Features new floors? Are there any other sets that have this?
  11. Anyone have any pics of 5252 (ex-5299)? The Novabus LFSA that was brought back into service.
  12. I think the 04-05 Hybrids will be retired as needed (i.e. breakdowns) for the time being. Nothing is being replaced until the new buses arrive. The 2019 XD60's have been here for awhile already so I doubt any buses will be replaced just a shift of assignments.
  13. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0qpTEHzz7vRGQYQxptCgdjoYQ hope this works.
  14. Sir, is that not an S66/92 combined....? No thanks.
  15. Aren't some M101 runs scheduled for >2 hrs from end to end that is.....
  16. 4-car sets on the LIRR would be cool but it does kinda miss the opportunity do 2 10-car train rather than one 8-car and 12-car trainset but I think it's worthy of the sacrifice. It gives a lot of flexibility to the LIRR to add and subtract cars like that. I wonder if it would cut down on costs significantly too because you wouldn't have to install a cab in every car.
  17. I think that one specifically is special...it's actually all painted and not wrapped.
  18. This is entirely a hunch but maybe that car isn't providing power to help move the train. So the rest of the train is just helping carry that car along??? Someone else chime in or tell me if I'm correct. Also, I think if more than a third are out on the entire train, I hear it has to go out of service but I've heard stories that trains only had 2-3 motors working so idk if that's true.
  19. First of all, can you stop starting so many useless threads? This easily could’ve been posted in the Random Thoughts. Anyways, to answer your question, it’s because the B division needs that flexibility to operate through it’s various lines. Take Jamaica’s fleet for example, they have R160’s to use on the and on a daily basis, you can simply sign it up for any service. But an R188 is solely used on the and it most likely won’t be swapped out because it’s separated with the rest of the system. Also, A division (numbered lines) more or less maintain just one service and one fleet, save for the and . I also assume cost is a factor because FIND systems are likely more expensive and harder to maintain than blinking dots on a strip map. The number of times you can see a FIND system malfunction vs an A division NTT is much greater.
  20. 6005 seems to have gone missing in the latest TTMG update, still at CS.
  21. Would it be possible to Frankenstein an XD60 from an 2011 XD60 (#47xx) and a 2016 or newer XD60 (#6xxx) if their respective counterparts got into an accident? I hear for the most part they are the same bus model but one is more computerized. And a follow up similar question, is it feasible for a NovaBus 1st gen LFSA and a Smart bus gen to do the same?
  22. Gun Hill's maintenance never disappoints /s Happened back approx. April 2019
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