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Everything posted by danielhg121

  1. Why does ECH have a few runs on the QM2/20/32 and CP have a few runs on the BxM9? My hunch is the QM2/20/32 has a lot more runs to cover so ECH gave them a few rush hour trippers on the BxM9. But if CP depot was truly short, they wouldn't have trips on the BxM9, right?
  2. Welp, that's most likely 2204 or 2209 biting the dust. I wonder if they'll bother repairing it or just tow it to ECH.
  3. I was riding my bike along Jewel Ave from Park Dr E to 164th St (basically the entire Q64 route east of Flushing Meadows Corona Park) today. Along the way, I saw a westbound Q64 at every stop or transitioning to the next stop and no buses passed me heading eastbound. The frequencies were prob 2-3 mins and buses were half-full at a seated load. There was basically a Q64 in my view every time I passed one and I saw some buses waiting at some bus stops, prob for timing points. No artics, all 40 foot OG's.
  4. Nah, it turns out they can't really schedule it earlier because eastbound trains have priority anyways, if it were scheduled to arrive at Huntington 50 mins earlier to try and catch the 7:05 from Huntington, it would create quite the traffic jam at Huntington as it would have to fumigate and get out of the way to let the EMU from behind through and there's also an eastbound EMU that will terminate and a diesel will pick up the stragglers. They can't use 656 crew to run the train as it would violate their hours worked. Just an amalgamation of horrible timings and lack of infrastructure causes this oddball in the schedule...
  5. Considering it suffered a rear engine fire and it's around 7 years old (around 1/2 the lifespan), I don't think they'll pull a 8017 and rebuild it but they've surprised me before. It takes them awhile to assess and rebuild it anyways, 5252 (ex-5295) took 6 years to rebuild but that bus was around 2-3 years old at the time of the crash.
  6. I think if the train was scheduled earlier, it wouldn't be much of a problem. They could make the transition more seamless for the eastbound train to meet the westbound train at the sidings. Also, there's no reason why it should be a 2hr 30m wait between 4:18 and 6:49 for a train that doesn't even begin in Port Jeff. People trying to take the train from Port Jeff are screwed and have to wait till 8:44 , that's more than 4 hrs for a train... They could totally schedule a train between the 5:26 and 6:05 arrivals to Port Jefferson to head west, maybe even flip the 5:26 around. Let the train pull into Stony ~5:54 to meet the first PM peak heading east, pull into Smithtown followed by Kings Park, it'll have to wait for 5-8 mins -6:29 departure for the eastbound train to pass and pull into Huntington at 6:47 for passengers to transfer to electric service. That's more in line with the 2:46 train schedule.
  7. Does anyone know why there's a 6:49 PM train starting from Stony Brook (not Port Jeff.) and heads west? Why did they bother scheduling such a slow service to begin with? It takes an extra 40 minutes because it's waiting on eastbound trains to come through. I know the train has existed in the timetable for awhile now but there isn't anything the MTA can do to speed it up? I know eastbound trains have priority and all but making westbound passengers wait 10+ mins at every station isn't exactly a compromise.
  8. Ahh okay, I was under the impression it was a special tripper of some kind. The school is still in session during the summer months?
  9. So I was looking at the n20G westbound timetable and there's one trip that starts at 2:45PM Plandome Rd/Northern and they added one new timing point just for this one trip so the timetable looks janky as hell, couldn't they put an asterisk to denote that trip is special. Anyone know why they bothered to add this to the schedule? This specific trip also skips Great Neck Plaza.
  10. 8076 repainted. Guess they're revisiting the 2011 LFS for that front blue stripe. Also, I think 8006 or 8008 (couldn't really see) has escaped any repaint whatsoever.
  11. I rode 1269 today and the A/C was kicking (bus was freezing but the bus was packed) and the bus was hauling ass. They sound really good IMO. Don't hate on the 1200's lol.
  12. It's also fascinating seeing the slightest differences on the bulkheads. Some have horns and some have 6-screws around the route display (I think 3499 has it).
  13. Turns out that DE30AC #423 (ex DM30AC-507) has been placed back into service following a 7-month hiatus. Currently operating as Train #655 to Jamaica.
  14. All of these will become work trains? I'm guessing they selected the best R42's to do the final run?
  15. 😥 I realized I was wrong when I saw the old SubChat discussion from 2013 where you replied. LOL Link: http://www.subchat.com/readflat.asp?Id=1232539 And, no the conductor is in the B division but she didn't tell me the full story I guess. So I just assumed the R32/42 were operated in the same manner from just pure observations. Had no idea they had different door controls. So let me get this straight, R42's DO NOT have door controls in the operators position and they utilize an MDC system but R32's on the other hand have door controls in every cab and utilize drum switches. So, whats the difference between an MDC and a drum switch? And, maybe we shld edit the wiki pages with this info?
  16. Curious, what's preventing them from operating in the 4x4 position then? Oops looks like R42's don't have drum switches
  17. I was told by a conductor that there aren't door controls in the operator cabs. Ideally, I would think if they could operate in the 4x4 position, they would. There are drum switches on the R32 (and R42) that signify which half cabs the master door controller will work. It has On/off/thru. Off at the ends of the trains, thru at the conductors positions, and on at the two conductor zones. There aren't any seats in the middle of the married pair sets which is probably the reason why conductors hate them.
  18. Sorry if my reading comprehension isn't up to par, but this doesn't exactly sound like I want the crew area to be roped off... Social distancing and masks are key, if we can increase the amount of space for the C/R without blocking off an entire car like other posters have suggested, they can perform their jobs in an effective manner without having to pay extra people to complete the same task. Currently, it's not 6 feet, increasing the distance between passengers and conductors greatly reduces the risk (exponentially)... Not gonna carry this on any further.
  19. I don't know which R32 you've been on but the ones I've seen have considerable gaps between the door and cab wall (around 2-3cm). Saying that T/O's are at virtually no risk with someone pressed against the RFW is flat out wrong so yea it should be roped off. What's preventing that person from going up to the cab door and exhaling into the cab and this applies to your 2 conductor idea because you seem to think that the steel door is enough. NY is full of loonies after all. You would rather have more workers potentially being exposed to COVID-19 and pay more money than rope out a few more feet to increase social distancing for transit workers, let's be real, the ridership isn't even close to that level.
  20. Okay, that's still a gross over-exaggeration (how does it occupy 99% of the space yet allow for finger-width), the T/O and C/R are both at high risk. It should be roped off near all crew controls PERIOD. Two C/R's is completely ridiculous especially when crews may still be calling out sick left and right amid mounting financial troubles. If it's possible to cut out doors, perhaps the C/R should lock the doors closest to them in both cabs and on both sides so they can extend the chain to the start of the next seating area. And then place a sign saying use the next available door with arrows pointing to it.
  21. To be fair, the steel door doesn't make the cab airtight and most of the cab doors have a gaping hole that make the door seem flimsy. Security would be completely nonsensical but roping it off is better and safer in general.
  22. For the n79 schedule, clicking on the PDF schedule, that last abbreviated timing point is South Huntington which according to the legend is EM but the map has it as SH labelled. Then the table also has it listed as SH, thanks for not being confusing. The n79 would be much quicker if they let it continue along Woodbury Rd instead of turning onto Manetto Hill and via Old Country but the ridership patterns probably don't support it. I'm kinda curious why they bother to keep the n78 around, the thing is more or less a n79 short-turn and for such light ridership levels like they state, why bother having short-turns? On the n88, if you click the map pdf, it brings up an outdated schedule from 2013 which doesn't have the correct timing points and still has the n87 listed as a transfer. I'm sure there are countless more errors but just wanted to point out a few examples.
  23. Any idea why they can't just send the buses from FB to LGA?
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