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Everything posted by danielhg121

  1. Well, Pitkin has had the R46's for awhile now so I'm sure they know how to troubleshoot issues with ease whereas Coney Island didn't have nearly as much experience as Pitkin nor Jamaica did. Also, Jamaica treated their R46's like crap in general and they have a lot of cars of various classes to maintain but Pitkin really only had the R46's and maybe a few R32's.
  2. I think my original post was a bit scatterbrained so let me try to clarify. It takes time to take trains out of service for fumigation purposes, around 5 mins or so for each train (depending on crew size). Assuming you were to end them at Jamaica, it still clogs up service because there are through running trains. Sending the train to LIC/Hunterspoint alleviates that issue because it keeps the train moving. So regardless of if they carry passengers or not, they might as well run them to LIC/Hunterspoint, just so they don't take up valuable time and track space at Jamaica. With ESA opening up, it's not allowing more flexibility to the railroad in terms of the diesels at all, so the issue becomes where do we send them without affecting service? LIC and Hunterspoint are treated as peak only terminals as it is, there's really no cost to the MTA in just maintaining the service there and the bonus is that we get to store some trains there as well for PM peak. You can't really send them all to Penn either, it's a non-starter because it adds more risk to one of the diesels breaking down in there and the fact that the Dual-Electric locos can't go there.
  3. I doubt it because it has a purpose just beyond a stub terminal. I don't think they can't fumigate trains at Jamaica quickly enough without disrupting service and only the DM's can go thru to Penn. When ESA opens, only electric trains are allowed I believe because the C3's are too tall to run through so they'll probably still be sent to Hunterspoint/LIC. They can't assure every single train running to Penn is a DM besides those 2 from Port Jeff and I think 1 from Oyster Bay, that would require a lot of coordination. At the end of the day, Hunterspoint and LIC are just part-time terminals to serve the rush-hour crowd and the yard is a bonus to store trains.
  4. They are not diesel-electric. They are fully-electric, thus XE60's.
  5. I was riding D60HF 5762 and the wheelchair ramp couldn’t get power, luckily he could slide it back in to continue his remaining runs. Bus op was courteous enough to get out of his seat, step off the bus and show his OVCR card to the wheelchair person every single time. Didn’t want anyone calling in saying they were skipped because supposedly the wheelchair was broken.
  6. I'm just saying that no accident has sent one to scrap permanently given that the fleet is huge (852 buses) at one point spanning 5 boroughs. They are up there in terms of age and none of them have been seriously damaged to the point of no repair is remarkable. Unlike the Orion OG, 6853 suffered a fire very early on and just went to scrap.
  7. I should've specified. I meant that the Alstom (N)'s from Jamaica are currently loaned in place of the Siemens sets out of Coney Island Yard to get CBTC retrofitted. Not that the rest of the Coney Island sets are going to Jamaica permanently. MTA wants all R160's to be CBTC retrofitted in one shot regardless of whether or not it may use it. Prob cheaper to install it all in one shot then having to do it later.
  8. Considering the LFS are most likely coming in to replace the XD40's (around 75 LFS if options exercised to replace a fleet of 70 XD40's whereas the NG fleet is 90 buses), they might swap out the XD60's as well to store less parts and make it easier on maintenance. It does make me question why the Q44 hasn't received information destination signs yet and they're the only SBS route yet to receive them, maybe they'll be swapped to local service soon.
  9. Nah, they're rotating R160 sets out for CBTC installation. Coney Island R160 sets are going to Jamaica for CBTC.
  10. You counted both the D and N 62nd St and New Utrecht Ave separately even though they are one station. They have a transfer there.
  11. You forgot the D and L lines and your math is incorrect. J,M and Z -4 stations in total D and N - 10 stations L- 2 stations 2,3 - 1 station A - 3 stations F - 1 station
  12. Isn't it kinda weird how none of the Next Gen's are scrapped? One of the largest orders of buses and not one of them has ended up in scrap... It's a bit remarkable you gotta admit, even if you hate them.
  13. I mean if we're going off maintenance issues alone, shouldn't we see the same rate of buses going to scrap from BC as we do from NYCT? But we don't and they're spec'd the same for the most part. At a time when money is tight, getting rid of old buses for new ones just seems like we're taking it for granted. I know older buses are more expensive to maintain but there was barely any time in between the Gen II's and Gen II+'s.
  14. Is someone on the NYCT side rushing the Orion OG's to scrap? Barely any of the MTA BC Orion's have been retired and they're the same model?
  15. I'm just curious why they do some sections and then leave some stations alone. It stands out like a sore thumb when you have one stop go unfilled on an otherwise, fully OMNY-enabled line. I know for Eastern Parkway, they're redoing something at the station so it would be a waste to install and then take it out and install it down the line. You have stops that are still not done even though they've announced the line was fully-OMNY enabled.
  16. Apart from the and the Eastern Parkway station, why aren't the rest of the stops done?
  17. They're definitely looking to consolidate the NG's at several depots from the looks of it. The ones that have a small NG fleet currently and getting new buses are most likely transferring NG's out. The ones without new buses will probably be receiving more next gens. Only exception to this is probably taking the XD40's out of CS and transferring them elsewhere. Numbers don't quite add up to 90 for CS but the XD40 fleet is ~70 currently. Not familiar on the express bus side of things. Let's just wait and see though.
  18. They're dropping like flies. Dang, I still remember the days when they had the Blackbacks and ran the CS routes.
  19. That's more in line with how the 48XX XD40's are done. Not as drastic as the NG and OG paint schemes tho. These repaints are more in line with the C40LF's.
  20. Those 2001/2 MCI's D4500 are slowly dying off. Does that mean they were built well?
  21. Cool, but he asked about Queens specifically. I just want him to err on the side of caution if OMNY isn't activated and I've yet to see OMNY activated on a lot of Queens buses.
  22. They are probably installed but not activated. Most if not all still say "Coming Soon".
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