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  1. So if I passed the S&D test in April, does that mean I won’t be called up? I still didn’t hear back from them. Do you know what happened? Do they bypass applicants like that?
  2. Wait, I wasn’t contacted. I was fitted for the uniform but I didn’t get contacted for the background check etc. I don’t understand why you guys were contacted but I wasn’t.
  3. Yes, although I don’t remember who was there by accident. Do you know who that was? What did they look like?
  4. So you were fitted for the uniform and given the horn , hand signals and buzzers packet?
  5. Are you talking about the April 29th test when it was raining heavily?
  6. If the list does get extended do they go quicker through the list, hiring more people, or do they go through it at the same rate as before the extension?
  7. Was there a promotional exam with 6601? I was told that this list would be extended past February of next year IF there was no internal promotional exam for conductor.
  8. This is exactly the kind of post that should be in this thread, not like some of the previous posts where the posters were already hired and discussing their RDOs and how they're all about money and cleaning up on OT or "scrapping the wall"(sic), whatever that means. Not helpful for the rest of us who need to know IF we're going to get any notice at all, not to mention hired. To answer your question, it all depends on whether the list gets extended. This list is supposed to expire soon. However, applicants from the 8094 exam were called up from a range similar to yours based on what some other conductors told me. If they extended 6601 for the same amount of time, it could happen. But you might have to wait ten years. To me, this is a topic that has been vastly under-discussed in this thread: how long you can expect to wait and your likelihood of getting hired based on your list number. We'll worry about overtime and vaction days and schoolcar in another thread. I for one would like to hear from current or retired conductors how low the MTA went down on the list in past exams.
  9. Based on the rate they've moved through the list, the MTA apparently calls in about 100 people a month. So for people further down the list, such as yourself and me (I'm in the 9500 range), the list would have to be extended four years past when it's scheduled to expire, just like the previous list was. I spoke to some conductors and train operators and they told me that they knew of people (or themselves) who were way down in the 8,000 and even 12,000 range that got called up after 8094 was extended. Not sure what will happen this time around. Extending the list another four years saves the MTA the trouble of scheduling tests, grading, etc. I hope they extend it, but I don't know if they're extending lists for other open positions.
  10. I've spoken to other conductors and some told me people got hired as low as 8xxx and even 12xxx. Of course, that was when the list was extended. Is it a certainty that this list expires February 2022? If so, how far down the list could they be realistically expected to get by that time?
  11. All of us? Including someone with a list number of 95XX ? Will they go through the list fast enough to reach that far down before it expires?
  12. That's the thing, the previous exam 8094 was extended for 8 years over the usual 4. I'm just concerned if they could get around to reaching that far down the list in 4 years.
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