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Posts posted by Bklynzkid120

  1.             Passed the medical yesterday!  :) .. was there all day, only thing was they didn't send me to final processing yet, they said to wait for the call to come back. I was sent for another drug test after the medical because my first one was due to expire in 2 weeks. I guess the 8/22 is filled already?  doesn't make sense  why they wouldn't hire me yesterday  :(  

  2. 138/87?.. that should be passable no?

    well , medical tomo guys, hope to get through tomo as smoothly as possible

    Alsaps is the air break test. Each letter is abbreviated for the 6 steps. A for air leakage test. L for low warning system check. A for spring emergency test. A for air build up. P for parking break test and S for service break test. The 6 steps of the air brakes test. You will learn it.

     this involves alot of break pumping lol 

  3.            Hey guys!  Been checking out this forum for a while. I am from TA bus operator  exam 2613 and list 11xx, I was called in march of 2014 to report for pre employment however i was currently involved in a new restaurant business  at the moment and elected to defer. I reinstated my name back on to the list last month and was called for pre employment/drug test on friday july 29th. I have not received the email for the medical yet even though someone who was there with me with a higher list number already went yesterday to the medical. Deff passed the drug test i am sure of it , but what type of order do they go in for the medical.

  4. from what a understand .. you are prob going to have to take the written test again and hopefully get called again . i dont think they will hire you from your old test number .. so that whole process would be prob 3-5 depending when they do give another test .. dont quote me on this info as i am not 100 percent sure but this is what i heard

  5.          Watsup guys... figured i post here... Was in the 6/29 class ...instructor was so so .. i felt very nervous with him nothing personal but just felt i wasnt being told how to correct what i was doing wrong esp with turns and such.. long story short like i said nerves took over and i ended messing up on the simplest stuff. After day 4  knowing i probably had no shot at maken it in 10 days i elected to resign knowing i could not come back for 3-5 yrs if i went the  entire 10 days and failed. I resigned for personal reasons in (UNDER 5 DAYS)  which gives me the oppurtunity get my name reinstated on the list and come back in as soon as i get reinstated. My plan is to get some lessons and get my cdl on my own  (at least i will have that out of the way ). Any body ever hear of this situation happening before as far as getting reinstated, i really hope i do get a chance at it again  

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